- fiber saturable absorber 光纤饱和吸收体
- In this paper, we report the experimental study of erbium-doped mode-locked fiber laser using semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM). 利用SESAM获得掺铒锁模光纤激光器。
- A novel linear configuration Er3+-doped fiber laser is presented by considering the specialities of AOTF and the saturable absorber. 利用声光可调谐滤波器的特性,结合饱和吸收体的作用,我们提出了一种新颖的线形腔结构的掺铒光纤激光器。
- Such a fiber laser has a ring resonant cavity.An unpumped erbium-doped fiber (EDF) in the cavity is used as the saturable absorber to achieve single-longitudinal-mode operation. 该激光器采用环形腔结构, 利用一段未抽运的掺铒光纤(EDF)的饱和吸收效应来实现光纤激光器的单纵模运转与窄线宽输出;
- The presence of saturable absorber also has influence on laser mode. 本文提出可饱和吸收体Cr4+:YAG在激光谐振腔中可具有横模选择的作用。
- A passively Q-switched laser was reported by using Cr4+:YAG as saturable absorber and KTP as nonlinear crystal. 报道了一种LD泵浦的被动调QNd:LuVO4激光器;其中;Cr4+:YAG作为可饱和吸收体;KTP作为倍频晶体.
- Analytical Solution for Passive Q Switching with Cr Ion Doped Saturable Absorber[J]. 引用该论文 吴念乐;吕亚军;陆兴华;李家强;李师群.
- Fiber saturation point or F.S.P. 纤维饱和点。
- All-Fiber Passive Mode-Locked Laser Realized by Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror[J]. 引用该论文 Gu Qingyuan;Hou Jing;Cheng Xiang’ai;Xu Xiaojun.
- In this paper, the threshold behaviours of the self-pulsing instability for the class B lasers with saturable absorber are studied. 对含有可饱和吸收体的B类激光系统的自脉冲不稳定性的阈值行为进行了研究,并就各种激光参量对其阈值的影响进行了数值计算。
- Physical mechanism of using nonlinear polarization rotation as saturable absorber to obtain pulse is analyzed theoretically. 理论分析了非线性偏振旋转环形腔作为类饱和可吸收体获得脉冲的物理机理。
- By using a Cr4+:YAG chip in the laser cavity as a saturable absorber, a laser diode continuously pumped Nd: YVO4 laser is passively Q- switched for the first time. 在Nd:YVO4激光谐振腔内采用Cr4+:YAG作为饱和吸收体,实现了激光二极管连续泵浦Nd:YVO4高重复率被动调Q激光运转。
- Decreasing initial transmission of the saturable absorber can cause pulse energy increase, pulse duration decrease and the threshold pump power increase respectively. 减小饱和吸收体的初始透过率能有效提高脉冲能量,并压缩脉宽,但是会增加阈值泵浦功率;
- In this paper,we report that the mode locked operation of a flashlamp pumped Nd:YAG laser was realized and a single pulse train was obtained,using the pentamethine cyanine,Cr 4+ :YAG and LiF:F - 2 as saturable absorber respectively. 本文报道采用五甲川染料、Cr4 +:YAG和LiF :F-2 分别作为可饱和吸收体实现闪光灯泵浦的Nd :YAG激光器的锁模运转 ,得到稳定的单脉冲序列。
- By using Q-switched rate equation with the Cr~(4+):YAG as the saturable absorber and combining the analysis of the ARR structure,the simulated calculation is in good agreement with the experimental result. 根据Cr4+:YAG慢饱和吸收体的调Q速率方程,结合对ARR结构的理论分析,计算机模拟结果和实验数据相当吻合。
- According to the equation and testing figure, the critical point in the curve is found out and is further defined as fiber saturation point (FSP). 根据曲线性质和试验数据的特点,找出曲线上变化的关键点,定义为竹材纤维饱和点。
- Results showed that the moisture diffusion coefficient increased with the increase of the drying medium temperature or IMC,reaching a maximum near the fiber saturation point(FSP). 结果表明,干燥介质温度越高,扩散系数越大; 初含水率越高,扩散系数越大,在纤维饱和点附近达最大。
- Fiber saturation point (FSP): The moisture content at which all of the free water is removed - the cell cavities are empty - but the cell walls are still completely saturated. 纤维饱和点(FSP):当木材中的所有自由水散失完毕,细胞间隙排空,而细胞壁仍然处于水饱和状态。
- semiconductor saturable absorber mirror 半导体可饱和吸收镜
- Experiment and Analysis of Saturable Absorber in Double-clad Fiber Laser 双包层光纤激光器的可饱和吸收实验与分析