- field (放资料的位置)栏
- 资料data
- 应用航放资料寻找非放射性金属矿产效果探讨Discussion on effectiveness of application of air-borne radiometric data to prospecting for non-radioactive metallic mineral resources
- 和谐进行分间节的重复系列,每一系列在音阶上有新的位置A series of repetitions of a phrase, each in a new position on the scale.
- 参考资料reference media
- 资料的收集包括淋巴囊肿的位置,大小及引流的时间。Location of the lymphoceles, size, and duration of drainage were recorded.
- 如果它们是可见的,就可以被动态地放到5个任意的位置之一。If they are visible, they can be dynamically positioned in one of five locations.
- 委员会的办事员将所有关于建筑物维修资料的出处标上重点符号。The committee clerk flag all the reference to building repair.
- 把你自己放在我的位置上Put yourself in my place.
- 旅游指南,参考手册载有说明或其他资料的手册,尤指为旅行者或观光者提供的A handbook of directions and other information, especially for travelers or tourists.
- 重新放于原先的位置reposition back to its normal site,as of a broken bone,in surgery
- 约翰不能去图书馆,所以这份报告是在缺少资料的情况下写的。John could not go to a library, and writing the report was a job of making bricks without straw.
- 放烟幕弹,让我找找你们的位置。Pop some smoke and let me see your location.
- 发音合作人(为语言学者分析语言提供资料的说本地话的人)Native speaker of a language who helps a scholar make an analysis of the language
- 把标点符号的问题放在编辑的不太重要的位置put the issue of punctuation on the editorial back burner.
- 查阅登记资料的收费,按照市物价部门和市财政部门的有关规定执行。Fees for the inquiry will be charged according to the relevant provisions of the municipal departments of price control and finance.
- 安放错误;放于错误的位置place or position wrongly; put in the wrong position
- 磁带录音机中能重放已记录的资料的部分。the part of a tape recorder that reproduces the recorded material.
- 一组连续的数字时间片段,每一数字时间片段在组内的位置可参考帧同步信号来标识。A set of consecutive digit time slots in which the position of each digit time slot can be identified by reference to a frame alignment signal.
- 我们保留遇到因你所发表的文章造成的法律问题时,提供任何我们所知的你的个人资料的权力。We also reserve the right to reveal whatever information we know about you in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by yourself.