- field well drilling material 野战钻井器材
- Angle measuring MWD tool is widely used in field well drilling. 随钻测斜仪在钻井现场中应用相当广泛。
- Identification of Hazard for Mechanical Injuries of Oil Field Well Drilling Construction 油田钻井施工机械伤害的危险源辨识
- The jet action can largely improve ROP during oil/gas well drilling. 摘要在油气井钻进过程中,射流对井底的作用可大幅度提高钻速。
- Distribution of well drilling can be summarized as the problem of decreasing the number of new wells for lowering the cost by using the geological material under some restrains. 本文对钻井布局问题提出了有效的算法,钻井布局可以归结为在一定约束条件下利用旧井的地质资料来减少新井的钻探数量,以节省钻探费用的问题。
- An exploratory oil well drilled in land not known to be an oil field. 不是在所知的油田开采的探险的油井。
- When was the first offshore oil well drilled? 第一口滨海油井是什么时候打的钻?
- One who is engaged in speculative mining or well drilling in areas not known to be productive. 野猫钻井者,盲目开采油井者从事在资源依据不足的地区冒险性采矿或钻井
- A little house well fill'd, a little field well till'd, and a little wife well will'd, are great riches. 有房可住,有田可耕,有妻可人,你就是富翁。
- Aluminium well drilling pipes are product deveoloped and patented by Reynolds Metals Company of USA. 铝钻探管以其优良的钻探特性广泛应用于海洋和沙漠石油开采中。
- Looking for drilling materials, i.e. mud, Bore-hole Plug, Bentonite, etc. ... 查看“电子电工-电动工具”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- I have no idea of their having found a better drill bending stress. 我没听说他们找到了能抵抗高弯曲应力的好钻杆。
- But in deep well drilling practices of long open hole,the homogeneous gns generally invades borehole. 但在一些长裸眼段深井的钻井实践中,常常会遇到均匀气侵溢流。
- Well drilling for deep evaporite beds is a big problem faced by drilling sector. 深部盐膏层钻井是钻井工程重大技术难题之一。
- Alleviate this contradiction, except that adjustment of the vegetables production, also should handle vegetables marketing field well, especially vegetables marketing channel. 要缓解这一矛盾,除了进行蔬菜生产结构调整之外,还应处理好蔬菜营销领域,特别是蔬菜营销渠道的问题。 本文以此为出发点,旨在构建科学的武汉市蔬菜营销渠道体系。
- In drilling exploration and well drilling Industry, the drilling pipe and drill collar are key apparatus. 钻杆和钻铤等管状螺纹连接件,是钻探和石油钻井工业中的关键设备。
- Successful completion of this well accumulated certain experiences for futural deep wild cat well drilling. 该井的顺利完钻,为以后深探井钻井积累了一定的经验。
- It gives some valuable advice on how to heighten holistic,macroscopical benefit of deep water well drilling. 提出了从整体上、宏观上提高深水井钻进效益的改进措施。
- Drilling materials and test data confirm that oil produced in the downdiptraps and water in the updip ones. 大量的钻井、试油等资料证实,下倾部位产油、上倾部位产水。
- A Shell-sponsored colour 44-page booklet on China′s pioneering achievements in the development of well drilling and natural gas production technology. 壳牌赞助印刷的小册子,44页彩色印刷,讲述中国古代开创钻井采盐及采气技术的卓越成就。