- Please break this into all fifty cent coins. 请把这个换成五十分的硬币。
- The 4 cent piece in the lot 4162 is chop cancelled. 第4162号拍品中4分邮票为盖销票。
- A fifty cent postage stamp was put on the heavy letter. 那封超重的信上贴了一张五十美分的邮票。
- A fifty cent postage stamp was put onthe heavy letter. 那封超重的信上贴了一张五十美分的邮票。
- That will be twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents. 二十七美元五十美分。
- "Fifty cents, " replied the waitress. "50分,"女服务员回答。
- It is seventeen yuan and fifty cents. 十七块五。
- Three by five, get one hundred and fifty cents. 三、五一块五。
- The apples are fifty cents each. 苹果每只售价五十美分。
- That will be twentyseven dollars and fifty cents. 二十七美元五十美分。
- That'll is eight dollars fifty cents, please. 邮费是八元五角。
- Drop fifty cents in the box, please. 请在盒子里放50美分。
- Twenty three doolars and fifty cents. 5元。
- This pack of gum costs fifty cents. 这包口香糖花费了五十分钱。
- They charged fifty cents admission. 他们收了50美分的入场费。
- They have been called the “Fifty Cent Party,” the “red vests” and the “red vanguard. 他们被称为“五毛党”、“红领巾”和“红卫兵”。
- This one " fission of the mother's body, cent piece livens " phenomenon, in black the business circles of city of Lan Hao spy and government sector were caused think. 这一“母体裂变、分块搞活”的现象,在乌兰浩特市的企业界和政府部门引起了思考。
- We can get it for fifty cents in the supermarket near our home. 在我家附近的超级市场可以用五角买到。
- He spent fifty cents for a package of Egyptian cigarettes. 他花了5角钱买了一包埃及香烟。
- Here you are. That'll be ten dollars and fifty cents. 给您账单,一共10美元50美分。