- The fight against inflation has been going on for almost two years. 抑制通货膨胀的抗斗已展开近两年了。
- The loss of jobs is regarded by some as a necessary evil in the fight against inflation. 有些人认为要遏止通货膨胀就难免有人得失业。
- The fight against inflation has gone on for almost two years. 抑制通货膨胀的抗斗已展开近两年了。
- The loss of job is regard by some as a necessary evil in the fight against inflation. 有些人认为要遏止通货膨胀就难免有人得失业。
- The main theme of the election campaign, which was less appealing, was one of national unity in the fight against inflation. 竞选运动的主要口号,国民团结一致,克服通货膨胀,则相形见绌。
- Hayek would always see inflation as an evil that corroded society and undermined democracy. The fight against inflation became a cornerstone of his economic philosophy. 哈耶克始终把通货膨胀看成侵蚀社会和破坏民主的恶魔。反对通货膨胀的斗争成为他经济哲学的一个基础。
- NARRATOR: Hayek would always see inflation as an evil that corroded society and undermined democracy. The fight against inflation became a cornerstone of his economic philosophy. 旁白:哈耶克始终把通货膨胀看成侵蚀社会和破坏%23%23%23的恶魔。反对通货膨胀的斗争成为他经济哲学的一个基础。
- Before the cold set in, the government had attempted to buy time in its fight against inflation by trying to reimpose long-discarded price controls on food and other measures. 在寒流来袭之前,中国政府曾试图通过众多举措,包括对食品重新实施废弃已久的价格控制,为自己抑制通胀的努力赢得更多的时间。
- Gold futures prices fell Tuesday as an important reason for this is that oil futures prices lower gold in the fight against inflation as a more attractive investment targets. 周二黄金期货价格下跌的一个重要原因,是石油期货价格走低降低了黄金作为对抗通货膨胀的投资对象的吸引力。
- Courtis, a Tokyo-based economist, told AFP that Japan, South Korea and other Asian exporting countries are the main beneficiaries of the global fight against inflation and they will surely be adversely affected once a new economic paradigm prevails. 驻东京的经济学家柯蒂斯告诉法新社,日本、南韩和其他亚洲输出国是全球抗通膨之战的主要受惠国,如果一种新的经济模式当道,它们势必遭到冲击。
- Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。
- We must fight against ignorance. 我们必须和无知作战。
- England and france fight against russia in the crimean war. 在克里米亚战争中,英、法两国与俄国作战。
- We are all brothers in the same fight against injustice. 在共同反对非正义行为的斗争中,我们都是同志。
- He joined the underground to fight against the fascists. 他参加了地下组织与法西斯作战。
- The police will not relent in their fight against crime. 警方在跟犯罪分子的斗争中决不手软。
- Buying gold may be a hedge against inflation. 购买黄金不失为防止通货膨胀的上策。
- Scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer. 科学家们说,他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破。
- We must all fight against cruelty and unfairness. 我们都应该反对残忍和不公平的事。
- The loss of jobs is regarded by some as a necessary evil in the fight against inflation 有些人认为要遏止通货膨胀就难免有人得失业