- We need to intensify our effort to fight corruption and to prevent and eliminate its root causes. 加大治本力度,从源头上预防和治理腐败。
- Efforts were intensified to build a clean and honest government and fight corruption, yielding notable results. 廉政建设和反腐败斗争力度加大,成绩显著。
- Fighting corruption is a collective responsibility. 打击贪污,人人有责。
- Fighting corruption should be top national agenda. 打击贪污应列为国家的首要任务。
- She dedicated her life to fighting corruption. 她毕生致力于对抗腐败。
- The HKSAR government is committed to fight corruption in every area of public and private life. 香港特区政府大力肃贪倡廉,致力杜绝公营和私营机构一切贪污行为。
- Efforts were intensified to build a clean and honest government and fight corruption,yielding notable results. 廉政建设和反腐败斗争力度加大,成绩显著。
- We vow to fight corruption on the ground of facts and in compliance with the law. 反贪污贿赂工作始终坚持以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。
- International co-operation is of great importance if countries want to fight corruption effectively. 要有效打击贪污,国际合作非常重要。
- We should strengthen institutional improvement, intensify administrative supervision and auditing, and fight corruption by addressing its root causes. 加强制度建设,强化行政监督和审计监督,努力从源头上治理腐败。
- The judge dedicated his life to fighting corruption. 这名法官毕生致力于反腐败斗争。
- There is also commitment to reduce the size of the bureaucracy ,to fight corruption and to continue the march towards a free market economy. 有关当局也决意精简政府架构、打击贪污和继续推动自由市场经济发展。
- We should strengthen institutional improvement,intensify administrative supervision and auditing,and fight corruption by addressing its root causes. 加强制度建设,强化行政监督和审计监督,努力从源头上治理腐败。
- There is also commitment to reduce the size of the bureaucracy, to fight corruption and to continue the march towards a free market economy. 国家也决心精简官僚架构、肃贪倡廉,并不断迈向自由市场经济。
- In recent weeks, there have been moves on both the federal and local level in Mexico to fight corruption and reinforce the rule of law. 最近几周,在墨西哥联盟和地方都有所行动来打击腐败,和加强这方面的法律。
- To fight corruption to a standstill and restore Nigeria to the enviable standard of respectability and dignity within the comity of nations. 全力打遏贪污,务使尼日利亚回复民族尊严,在国际间堪受尊重。
- KICAC was founded, based on the recognition that a new systematic approach is needed to prevent and fight corruption in Korea. 南韩廉政公署的成立,是基于南韩政府认为有必要以系统化的崭新方法来预防及打击贪污。
- A number of business leaders will meet in Bali to discuss what further steps the private sector can take to fight corruption in all its forms. 许多企业负责人将汇聚巴厘岛,共商私营部门能够采取哪些进一步措施打击各种形式的腐败。
- Mauro Tello Quinones was tortured and killed just days after he arrived in the city to fight corruption in the local police. 莫罗朱利亚尼来到这个城市的目的是打击当地警察的腐败。但仅在抵达几天后,他被持枪男子拷打并杀害了。
- We will attach even greater importance to combating corruption and encouraging integrity, and fight corruption unequivocally. 要把反腐倡廉建设放在更加突出的位置,旗帜鲜明地反对腐败。