- In those years he just fought for fame. 那些年, 他只是为成名而奋斗。
- He has no aspiration for fame or gain. 他不图名利。
- The crusaders fight for their country. 十字军战士为了祖国而战。
- He cares very little for fame and gain. 他对名利很淡薄。
- He took the oath to fight for his country. 他宣誓要为他的国家而战。
- We must fight for our rights, comrades! 同志们,我们必须为自己的权利而斗争!
- We fight for the honor of our country. 我们为祖国的荣誉而战。
- You have to fight for your rights. 你必须为你的权利而奋斗。
- They joined forces to fight for peace. 他们联合起来为和平而战。
- Let every man who pants for fame select his own style of pants and go ahead. 让每一个渴望名声的人捡他自己(喜欢)的式样的内裤去吧。
- The man put up a valiant fight for victory. 这个人为了赢得胜利进行了英勇的斗争。
- He had long since worn out the desire for fame. 对于名声他早就心灰意懒了。
- He has uncontrollable greed for fame and wealth. 他毫无忌惮的贪求名利。
- He shows great ardor, ardour for fame. 他对名誉篌表示出热切的渴。
- It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them. 为自己的主义斗争,要比把它们施诸实践更容易。
- We should never seek for fame and position. 我们决不应该追求名誉和地位。
- The soldiers swore to fight for the hearth and the altar. 战士们宣誓为保卫家庭和宗教而战。
- He shows great ardor for fame [victory]. 他对名誉[胜利]表示出热切的渴望。
- Mr. Gump has no aspiration for fame and wealth. 甘先生对名利很淡泊。
- He called on the workers to fight for their rights. 他号召工人为争取自己的权利而斗争。