- We fight for the honor of our country. 我们为祖国的荣誉而战。
- She came out of her room equipped for the ball. 她盛装从房里出来预备到跳舞会去。
- Participants in a mudflat football match fight for the ball near the northern German costal town of Brunsbuettel on July the 27th, 2008. 7月27日,德国北部海边小镇布伦斯布特的泥滩上进行了一场泥地足球赛。男女“球员”混合在一起,在泥地中尽情撒野。
- The soldiers swore to fight for the hearth and the altar. 战士们宣誓为保卫家庭和宗教而战。
- The players fought for possession of the ball. 队员们争取对求得控制。
- They fight for the communism cause. 他们为共产主义事业奋斗。
- He's ready to fight for the honour of his country. 他随时准备为祖国的荣誉而战斗。
- He scrabbled about in the bush for the ball. 他在灌木丛中爬着到处找球。
- Fight for the best and think of the worst. 所以,显然我还要对失败做好充分的打算。
- They fight for the honour of their country. 他们为祖国的荣誉而战。
- He 's ready to fight for the honour of his country. 他随时准备为祖国的荣誉而战斗。
- Dimitar Berbatov, left, fights for the ball during Manchester United's 8-2 victory agtainst Hangzhou Greentown today. 贝尔巴托夫(左)在今天对阵浙江绿城队的比赛中争抢。最终比分曼联8:2横扫绿城。
- Unlike Ballack, and despite wearing the bemused look of a beaten man, he keeps trying and fighting for the ball. 与不同,除了面部神情有些许凝重之外,他一直都保持着对球的追逐和抢断。
- If you fight for the Western Sergeant! 你就是决斗中的西部警长!
- They're fighting for the world title tonight. 他们今晚争夺世界冠军。
- Here the team from New Zealand Pricewaterhouse Coopers-All Blacks fights for the ball with Tiger Tops Nepal during their elephant polo match. 图片上,来自新西兰的马球队正在与尼泊尔队比赛。
- I have sworn to fight for the Tau. 我已发誓为钛族而战。
- Brazil's Sandro Soares (3) fights for the ball with Argentina's Oscar Moreno during a blind football match in Rio de Janeiro on Aug. 19, 2007. 巴西球员山卓.索尔斯(3号)和阿根廷球员奥斯卡.莫瑞诺,去年八月十九日在里约热内卢一场视障足球赛中奋力争球。
- Her maid helped her to dress for the ball. 她的女仆帮她穿上参加舞会的晚礼服。
- The goalie dived for the ball, but missed it. 守门员一个鱼跃向球扑去,可是没有扑到。