- The champion is in training for his next fight. 这位冠军为了下一场比赛正在进行训练。
- The champion prevailed,though it was a hard fight. 虽然这是一场恶战可这位战士还是获得胜利了。
- The champion and the challenger meet next week. 下星期冠军将迎战挑战者。
- The champion is leading by eighteen seconds. 该冠军领先十八秒。
- She disposed of the champion in straight sets. 她一盘未输战胜了冠军。
- The champion ran away with the match. 这个冠军获得的不费吹灰之力。
- In those days they had to fight the pests barehanded. 那时候他们得赤手空拳和虫害作斗争。
- He was outpointed by the champion. 他以点数输给了冠军。
- The managers want to pit the champion against an unknown. 经理们想让冠军与一名未成名的选手比赛。
- The champion knocked down his opponent in the second round with a Sunday punch. 在第二个回合中,这位冠军用最有力的一击打倒了对手。
- Even after the country is defeated, partisan fight the invader in the hill. 即使在国家被击败之后,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战。
- The little girl presented the champion with a victory garland. 小女孩给冠军献上了胜利的花环。
- We had to fight the other firm for the order. 为得到这份订单我们要和另一家公司竞争。
- The champion prevailed, though it was a hard fight. 虽然这是一场恶战可这位战士还是获得胜利了。
- The champion put his opponens out in the fifth round. 第五轮,冠军将他的对手击昏。
- He intends to fight the case to the Supreme Court. 他打算把官司打到最高法院。
- The managers want to pit the champion against John. 经理人想让冠军与约翰比赛。
- After the fight the defeated boxer swore he'd get his own back (on his rival). 那场拳赛後败北者发誓要(向对手)报仇雪恨。
- The champion is running in lane 4. 冠军跑在第四跑道上。
- We will fight the enemy to the death. 我们要与敌人决一死战。