- He professed to know nothing about the matter. 他声称对此事一无所知。
- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 约翰为征服疾病,进行了不屈的斗争。
- And you come from North Dakota! I want to know. 原来你是北达科他州来的!真想不到!
- Kings used to know how to hold down the people. 国王们往往都知道怎样使人们服从他。
- We've got all the nurses with us in our fight to stop closures. 我们竭力反对停业,获得全体护士的支持。
- The police wanted to know the cause for the fight. 警方想知道这起打架事件的肇事原因。
- How in the world do you expect me to know him? 你究竟怎么会想到我认识他呢?
- the administrative fight to know 行政知情权
- They wanted to know when you would go to the park. 他们想知道你们什么时候去公园。
- You'll like her once you get to know her. 你一旦了解她,就喜欢她了。
- It would ease my mind to know where he was. 要知道他在哪儿我就放心了。
- They are resolute to fight to the last. 他们决心战斗到底。
- I want to know how to put this in French. 我想知道如何用法语来表达这件事。
- We have to fight to wrest power from our rulers. 我们必须斗争才能从统治者手中夺取政权。
- The machine feeds back everything you need to know. 这架机器可以把你所需要知道的全部材料再提供出来。
- It is important to know how to sell yourself. 知道如何向面谈者推销自己是重要的。
- They are getting to know the geographical house. 他们正在了解房屋的布局。
- To know happness one must first experience sadness. 只有经历过悲痛的人才能了解幸福的滋味。
- He put up a sturdy fight to the end. 他坚持斗争到最后。
- She's not at all a proper person for you to know. 她可不是正派人,你不应该结识她。