- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 约翰为征服疾病,进行了不屈的斗争。
- Now, The Zohan must fight to live a peaceful new life in New York in this razor-sharp action-packed comedy from Adam Sandler, Robert Smigel, Judd Apatow and Dennis Dugan. 但阿苏知道,只要他还在军队一天,便需要继续战斗,他的梦想不可能实现。
- Why am I fighting to live if I 'm just living to fight? 如果我只是为了生存而奋斗那为什么我是战斗的去活着?
- In a few minutes Tom suddenly came to life. 一小会儿汤姆突然苏醒过来。
- He has a mellow attitude to life. 他对生活有种成熟的看法。
- We've got all the nurses with us in our fight to stop closures. 我们竭力反对停业,获得全体护士的支持。
- That water is indispensable to life is obvious. 很明显水对生命是必不可少的。
- For more than a hundred years black people had to fight to be given the rights to vote, choose where to live, study and work. 为了争取选举权、居住权、学习权和工作权,黑人不得不进行了一百多年的斗争。
- The play came to life under his direction. 在他的导演下,这出戏演得活龙活现。
- Sunrise -- and the farm comes to life again. 太阳一升起,农场就又活。
- These two "giants of the North" are losing their beautiful icebound existence and must fight to seek out new ways to live in a world where the rules have changed. 这两个“北极之王”正在丧失它们的冰封世界;为了在这个世界上立足,它们不得不另想办法,适应生存法则的改变。
- They are resolute to fight to the last. 他们决心战斗到底。
- Air and water are indispensable to life. 空气和水是生命所必需的东西。
- We have to fight to wrest power from our rulers. 我们必须斗争才能从统治者手中夺取政权。
- Air, food and water are indispensable to life. 空气,食物,水皆为生命不可缺者。
- The town came to life after sunrise. 日出之后,这个市镇变得充满生气。
- He has a philosophic approach to life. 他对待生活非常达观。
- The dead can not be recalled to life. 死者不能复活。
- They brought the drowned swimmer back to life. 他们使溺水的游泳者苏醒过来。
- He put up a sturdy fight to the end. 他坚持斗争到最后。