- His friends fought tooth and nail to elect him to Congress. 他的朋友们为他当选为国会议员竭尽了全力。
- We fought tooth and nail to get our plans accepted. 我们竭尽全力争取使我们的计划被采纳。
- We fought tooth and nail to get the route of the new road changed. 为了更改这条新公路的路线,我们竭尽了全力。
- I fought tooth and nail to get it, there was nothing easy about it. 我为了得到它激烈争斗过,真的不容易。
- When the Indian girl was captured,she fought tooth and nail to get away. 那个印地安女孩被抓时,她拼命挣扎想跑掉。
- The residents are fighting tooth and nail to stop the new development. 居民为制止新的建房开发计划正在全力以赴进行斗争。
- He fought tooth and nail to stop the county from pulling down the old church. 他竭力阻止县里拆除那座老教堂。
- When the Indian girl was captured, she fought tooth and nail to get away. 那个印地安女孩被抓时,她拼命挣扎想跑掉。
- The twins fight tooth and nail over the slightest disagreement. 这对双胞胎为一点儿小矛盾而吵得不可开交。
- Rio Ferdinand insists United will be fighting tooth and nail to retain the Barclays Premier League title this season. 里奥。费迪南德强调曼联将会全力以赴去争取卫冕这个赛季的英超冠军。
- That company has been fighting tooth and nail to stay in business since it got more competition. 自从那家公司面对更多竞争,它就拼命抵抗,决不歇业。
- In order to get our plans accepted, we must fought tooth and nail to prepare well everything that should be done before. 为使我们的计划被采纳,我们必须竭尽全力的把所有的前期工作准备好。
- His films feature cute creatures fighting tooth and nail to preserve their communities, and bucolic landscapes under threat of destruction. 他的片中总是有那些为了保卫自己的团体不惜一切的可爱人物;(片中)连山雨欲来的风景也是如此的诗情画意。
- Fighting tooth and nail to stay in this game, Andy earned the first break point of the set by whipping a forehand at Inzer that he couldn’t handle and sent it into the net. 在明天的决赛中,他将面对本次比赛最大的黑马世界排名仅416位的同胞伊斯尼尔,而身高在两米以上的伊斯尼尔正是因为自己擅长在三盘大战中取得抢七胜利而一路杀至决赛。
- They fought tooth and nail but lost. 他们竭尽全力拼搏,结果还是输了。
- They were fighting tooth and nail. 他们猛烈地厮打着。
- The yellow trade unions must be fought tooth and nail. 对于黄色工会,只有同它拚命。
- I will fight you tooth and nail if you put that suggestion to the management. I don't like it at all. 如果你向管理部门提那么个建议的话,我将坚决反对。我一点也不喜欢。
- His friends fought tooth and nail to elect him to Congress 他的朋友们为他当选为国会议员竭尽了全力。
- There is another election coming on next fall, and he knows we are going to fight tooth and nail. 来秋另一次大选就要来到了,他知道我们要全力以赴的。