- The livelihood of the workers must be improved if their enthusiasm in the fight against Japan is to be fully aroused. 必须改良工人的生活,才能发动工人的抗日积极性。
- In 1894 China fought against Japan at sea. 1894年中国和日本发生海战。
- Because they are under pressure from the people,who want to fight against Japan,and they have to temporize a little. 因为被抗日的人民逼得没有办法,只好应付一下。
- The Kuomintang, and Communist Party declared jointly by telex nationwide unity in the fight against Japan. 国共两党联电全国一致抗日。
- We would still have ample strength to fight against Japan,while the Japanese would have to fight defensive battles in their rear throughout the war. 我们仍然有很大的力量同日本作战,而日本在整个战争中须得时时在其后方作防御战。
- We would still have ample strength to fight against Japan, while the Japanese would have to fight defensive battles in their rear throughout the war. 我们仍然有很大的力量同日本作战,而日本在整个战争中须得时时在其后方作防御战。
- Mobilize the Mongolian,the Hui and all other minority nationalities,in accordance with the principle of national self-determination and autonomy,in the common fight against Japan. 动员蒙民、回民及其他少数民族,在民族自决和自治的原则下,共同抗日。
- Chapter Three: researched the struggles by the CPC in fighting against the encroachment of Chinese sea power by Japan and America during the Resistance War against Japan and the Liberation War. 第四章:论述了新中国成立前后中国共产党收回了近代丧失的海权,一方面终结了西方在华炮舰政策,另一方面掌握了沿海与内河航行权、引航权、海关主权等,为中国海洋事业的健康发展创造了前提条件。
- Second,not enough attention has been paid to education inneed to defend the country,and to fight against Japan in particular,among the masses.This important work has remained utterly inadequate even since the war of resistance broke out. 其次,是由于过去对民众缺乏民族的教育特别是抗日的教育,甚至在抗战爆发后,这一重大的工作,依然表现着异常的不够。
- Mobilize the Mongolian, the Hui and all other minority nationalities, in accordance with the principle of national self-determination and autonomy, in the common fight against Japan. 动员蒙民、回民及其他少数民族,在民族自决和自治的原则下,共同抗日。
- Second, not enough attention has been paid to education inneed to defend the country, and to fight against Japan in particular, among the masses.This important work has remained utterly inadequate even since the war of resistance broke out. 其次,是由于过去对民众缺乏民族的教育特别是抗日的教育,甚至在抗战爆发后,这一重大的工作,依然表现着异常的不够;
- At the beginning of Anti-Japanese War, Kuomintang Government adopted the policy of allying with Soviet Union to fight against Japan, which played an important role in the war in China against Japan. 摘要抗战前期,国民政府推行着联苏抗日的政策,这一政策对中国杭战具有重要意义;
- Kuomintang Government's policy towards Soviet Union hid the prevention against the Communist Party, which to some degree affected the effects of allying Soviet Union to fight against Japan. 国民政府对苏政策中具有浓厚的“防共”情结,在一定程度上影响了其联苏抗日政策的效能。
- The outbreak of the Pacific War ended the situation that China fought against Japan alone for several years. 摘要太平洋战争的爆发,使中国持续数年之久的对日孤军作战局面宣告结束。
- The period of the War of Fighting Against Japan 抗战时期
- manufacture for fighting against Japan 生产抗战
- We must fight against ignorance. 我们必须和无知作战。
- England and france fight against russia in the crimean war. 在克里米亚战争中,英、法两国与俄国作战。
- We are all brothers in the same fight against injustice. 在共同反对非正义行为的斗争中,我们都是同志。
- the policy of aligning with China to fight against Japan 结盟抗日