- He strutted about the street like a gaudy fighting cock. 他在街上大摇大摆地走,像一只绚丽好斗的公鸡。
- The fighting cock ruffled up its feathers in anger. 斗鸡发威时竖起了羽毛。
- Can it be as painful as the spur of a fighting cock in one's heel? 它痛起来跟斗鸡脚上装的距铁刺扎进人的脚后跟时一样厉害吗?
- She looked, like a fighting cock, defeated no different, indeed this has been passing away of love, she is no longer a prominent Queen. 她看起来,就如一个斗败的公鸡没有什么两样,确实在这段已经逝去的爱情中,她不再是个显赫的女王。
- Live like a fighting cock. 过阔气的日子。
- The Jones family live like fighting cocks ever since he got that new well-paid job at the ministry. 自从琼斯在部里找到一个薪水丰厚的新职位后,他家过得很舒服。
- They are both very good cooks, and we live like fighting cocks whenever we stay with them. 他俩都很会烧菜,我们在他们家做客的日子过得舒服极了。
- It could still hitchhike back in the illegal trade in chicks, fighting cocks or tropical pets, or in migrating birds. 病毒还可能会随着一些非法的家禽贸易,斗鸡,热带宠物或者鸟类迁徙卷土重来。
- Probably it's not a good thing for children from one-child families to live like fighting cocks. 独生子女过着养尊处优的生活未必是好事。
- It turned out that was not really stay transfixed, looking only to stay, and in fact has become a heroic fighting cocks. 原来,呆若木鸡不是真呆,只是看着呆,而实际上已经成为了英勇善战的斗鸡了。
- By cock and pie it is not worth a penny. 说句天地良心话,那根本一文不值。
- Not class this afternoon, the teachers organized an extra-curricular activities, fighting cocks in the sports arena to play the game, we are pleased that jumped! 今天下午不上课,老师组织了一次课外活动,在运动场上玩斗鸡的游戏,我们高兴的跳了起来!
- Another 10 days, the King of Qi as depicted here we go again, of course, still concerned about his fighting cocks, discipline, said: "no, they look sharp, domineering. 又过了10天,齐王又来了,当然还是关心他的斗鸡,纪先生说:“不成,它们还是目光犀利,盛气凌人。”
- Ancient Greek theater of the circus, acrobatics and athletic, fighting cocks fighting sheep shows, sometimes a soul-stirring, and sometimes people laugh. 古希腊剧场的大马戏、杂技和竞技、斗鸡斗羊表演,时而令人惊心动魄,时而让人捧腹大笑。
- The crowing of the cock is a harbinger of dawn. 鸡啼报晓。
- This morning I got up at cock crow. 今天早上我黎明时分就起床了。
- Turn the cock to increase the flow of water. 请开大龙头以增加水流量。
- The cock's head perked when it was challenged. 受到挑战时公鸡昂首挺立。
- He interposed himself between them to stop them fighting. 他挤进两人中间,阻止他们打架。
- Every cock crow loud on his own dunghill. 自家粪堆上,公鸡叫得响。