- In Lv Shun's works, as well as the flowing strokes on the canvas, make these figurative images more imagist and become the direct loose of his sentimental feeling. 吕顺画面中的花、蛙、猪等图象,流淌一样画面处理,使这些比喻图象,更意象化,成为他感伤情绪的直接宣泄。
- This is a bright leaf in literature history.The artistic feature of ballad can be included three categories.The ballads are of their characteristics in their plots, structure and figure images. 汉乐府民歌叙事诗根据其艺术上的特点可分为三类,他们在情节、结构、人物形象等方面都各具特色。
- Here the word is used in a figurative sense. 这里该字是在比喻的意义上使用的。
- The word here is used in its figurative sense. 此词在这儿取的是它的比喻意义。
- In the new period, research on Ling Shuhua has got into position, and made great achievement in figural image and artistic style. 在新时期,凌叔华研究进入了新的阶段,在人物形象和艺术风格研究等方面取得了突出成就。
- The nowaday figure image designer is not just a dresser or fashion designer, but one art creater who is equipped with high taste and quality. 当今人物形象设计师不只是一个化妆师或服装设计师,而是一个具备高品味高素质的艺术创造者。
- The Cultural Dissimilarities between English and Chinese Languag es from the Angle of the Figurative Images used in Animal Idioms 英汉动物习语比喻形象的文化差异
- It is no less figurative than metaphor. 它的修辞性不比隐喻少。
- figurative images 比喻性意象
- "A sweet temper" is a figurative expression, but "sweet coffee" is not. "甜蜜的性情"是个比喻的说法,而"甜咖啡"则不是。
- He is the very spit and images of his father. 他和他父亲长得一模一样。
- Baptism is a figurative ceremony. 受洗礼是象征的礼节。
- His poetry is strewn with images of death. 他的诗里充满了死亡的形象。
- Metaphor and Other Figurative Language. 隐喻及其他比喻语言。
- A light-sensitive unit used with an optical arrangement for scanning images. 与光学装置一起用来扫描图象的一种光敏装置。
- He imprisoned her,in a figurative sense. 在比喻的意义上,他把她关在牢里了。
- War can be literal;it can also be figurative. 所谓“战争”,可指实际意义的战争,也可以是象征性的。
- The writer finely images the hero. 作者非常细致地描述书中的英雄。
- Baptism is a figurative ceremony . 受洗礼是象征的礼节。
- A set of mental pictures or images. 影象一系列脑海中的形象或一系列画像