- It has filed for bankruptcy protection. 电路城已经申请破产保护。
- JAL spokeswoman declined to comment on whether the airline would file for bankruptcy protection. 日本航空一位发言人拒绝就日航是否会申请破产保护发表评论。
- General Motors Corp. is expected to tell the government it needs several billion more or it may have to file for bankruptcy protection. 通用汽车公司预计会让政府追加数十亿美元贷款给它,或者否则它可能就得申请破产保护。
- Bush was fully aware of GM's need to file for bankruptcy protection, but opted to punt the decision to the next administration. 布什是充分认识到通用汽车公司的需要申请破产保护,但选择平底船的决定,下届政府.
- And US government officials say the car manufacturer General Motors will file for bankruptcy protection later today to save the company from liquidation. 美国政府官员称,通用汽车制造公司于今日将申请破产保护,以挽救公司,免于停业清算。
- Unable to stand the heavy burden, GM ultimately chose to file for bankruptcy protection to pray for rebirth. Unfortunately, few people are optimistic about the future of GM after restructuring. 不堪重负的通用,最终选择了申请破产保护的作法,希望获得重生。然而,可惜的是,目前并没有多少人看好重组后的通用能够起死回生。
- Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy protection, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley became a bank holding company. 雷曼兄弟申请破产保护,高盛和摩根士丹利变成了银行控股公司。
- Lehman Brothers, the fourth-largest US investment bank, has filed for bankruptcy protection, dealing a blow to the fragile global financial system. 由于受到脆弱的全球金融系统的冲击,美国第四大投资银行雷曼兄弟公司已经申请了破产保护。
- Corporacion Durango, Mexico’s largest paper maker, has filed for bankruptcy protection as it struggles with higher raw materials costs and the weak U.S. economy, reports Reuters. 报道,杜兰戈,墨西哥最大的纸张制造商,已申请破产保护的斗争,因为它具有较高原材料成本和疲弱的美国经济,报告的消息。
- Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen announced his resignation.Orange County, California, filed for bankruptcy protection due to investment losses of about two billion dollars. 财政部秘书劳埃德宣布辞职,在加州奥林奇派县由于投资失败了大约20亿美元而填写破产保护。
- One of the nation's largest commercial-real-estate lenders filed for bankruptcy protection in Delaware, the latest sign that problems in that market are far from over. 美国最大的商业房地产放贷机构之一申请破产保护,再次显示出商业房地产市场的问题远没有结束。
- Among the missing: AOL Time Warner Chairman Steve Case,whose company stock has declined by about half since last year,and Gary Winnick,chairman of Global Crossing,which filed for bankruptcy protection in January. 今年跌出排行榜的富翁包括:全球最大的媒体公司美国在线-时代华纳主席史蒂夫·凯斯,该公司股票自去年以来已经下跌了将近一半;美国电信公司主席加里·温尼克,该公司今年1月份申请了破产保护。
- Among the missing: AOL Time Warner Chairman Steve Case, whose company stock has declined by about half since last year, and Gary Winnick, chairman of Global Crossing, which filed for bankruptcy protection in January. 今年跌出排行榜的富翁包括:全球最大的媒体公司美国在线-时代华纳主席史蒂夫·凯斯,该公司股票自去年以来已经下跌了将近一半;美国电信公司主席加里·温尼克,该公司今年1月份申请了破产保护。
- General Motors Corporation in the United States filed for bankruptcy protection to enter the GM, the Isuzu Motor Company is the first clear support of the Japanese auto makers plan. 在美国通用汽车公司GM进入申请破产保护后,五十铃汽车公司是首家明确支援计划的日本汽车厂商。
- Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy protection, many investors were caught by surprise Huaan Fund in the face of unexpected events reflect a calm, the rapid response capacity to deal with the crisis. 雷曼兄弟申请破产保护令很多投资者措手不及,华安基金公司面对突如其来的事件体现出了沉着冷静、快速反应的危机处理能力。
- A debtor may file for bankruptcy,which is called "voluntary bankruptcy". 债务人可以申请破产,这叫做“自愿破产”。
- Overwhelmed by debt, he filed for bankruptcy. 他负债累累,只好声明破产。
- The agreement essentially sets the path for GM to file for bankruptcy. 该协议主要规定了道路通用申请破产.
- GGP filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on April 16th. GGP于4月16日申请第11条款破产保护。