- filiform sclereid 丝状石细胞
- Style filiform;pistil head turbinate, apex 2-cleft. 花柱丝状陀螺状的雌蕊头状花序,先端2半裂。
- Ovary ovoid;stigmas 2, filiform. 子房卵球形柱头2,丝状。
- These are filiform needles used in acupuncture. 这是用来针灸的毫针。
- Style filiform;stigma lingulate, compressed. 花柱丝状柱头舌状,压扁。
- Pedicel short or long, filiform. 花梗短或更长,丝状。
- Sepals filiform, ca. 6 mm, abaxially puberulent. 萼片丝状,约6毫米,背面被微柔毛。
- Sclereid Any SCLERENCHYMA cell except the long fibers. 石细胞:为厚壁组织中除纤维外的所有细胞种类。
- Style filiform;stigma funnelform, margin ciliate. 花柱丝状漏斗状的柱头,边缘具缘毛。
- Carpels shortly stipitate, apical beak filiform. 心皮具短柄,顶端具喙。
- Style filiform, exserted from corolla. 花柱丝状,从花冠外露。
- The sclereid was one representative of short sclereid of sclerenchyma. 石细胞是厚壁组织中典型的短石细胞。
- Stems greenish when dry, filiform, slender, glabrous. 茎干燥时带绿色的,丝状,纤细,无毛。
- Style long, filiform, apically 3-lobed, adaxially stigmatic. 花柱长,丝状,顶部3浅裂,正面柱头。
- Style filiform;pistil head thickened, apex entire or 2-cleft. 花柱丝状雌蕊头状花序加厚,先端全缘或2半裂。
- Astrosclereid An irregularly branched SCLEREID found in the messophyll of leaves of certain dicotyledons. 星状石细胞:在一些双子叶植物的叶肉细胞中发现的一种不规则的分枝状的石细胞。
- A nearly isodiametric sclereid that is found in certain fruits, such as the quince and pear. 短石细胞:一种基本上等直径的石细胞,通常见于水果(如温桴和梨)中
- Style filiform, slightly exserted or as long as stamens, apex equally 2-cleft. 同样的花柱丝状,稍外露或与雄蕊等长,先端2半裂。
- The sclereid initials were distinguished from the neighboring cells by their distinctly large nucleus. 厚壁始源细胞主要以其具大的细胞核而与邻近一般薄壁细胞区分,且延伸亦受其限制。