- This article makes an analysis on the function of narrative, lyric and stylization of film music. 本文从新感受力美学的视角,分析了电影音乐感性叙事、极致抒情以及风格化等主要功能。
- Film Music on the Web provides monthly reviews of film music, articles and biographies. 电影音乐网提供电影音乐,文章和传记的每月一次回顾。
- Film music composers Henry Mancini and John Williams have acknowledged his influence on their work. 电影音乐的作曲家亨利曼西尼和约翰威廉士都承认他的影响力对他们的工作。
- German-Hollywood Connection - Germanic composers of film music are listed with background material. Includes biographies and sketches. 各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- For the obvious reason that the information would be first hand and in English, thus increasing the accessibility to this grey area of film music. 因为得到的信息也会是第一手的而且是英语的,这样可以增进我们对于这片音乐灰色地带的了解。
- Feb 2009 Letter of Intent signed in London for co-production of Motion Picture between Toby Simkin, Dadi Media, ESA Cultural Investments and Captive Theatre & Film Music. [Press Release] Toby Simkin 与大地传媒、春秋鸿文化传播公司与 Captive 戏剧影视音乐公司在英国共同签署了电影合拍协议。
- He has composed a suite of music for the film. 他为该电影配写了一套乐曲。
- The different tones of various musical instruments may protrude the theme of film music, depicts the figures in the film and play up the episodes and the style. 不同乐器的不同音色能突现电影音乐主题、画电影人物和渲染影片情节及风格。
- Courses include western, Chinese and world music cultures, pop and film music in HK, music management and promotion, practical composing and arranging, music IT, music interpretation, etc. 科目包括西洋、中国及世界音乐文化、香港流行曲及电影音乐、音乐行政及推广、实用作曲编曲、音乐科技、音乐演译等。
- The concert version of the film music tells the story with cinematic flourish, encompassing the tenderness of farewell, the piteous death of Falstaff and the exhilaration of battle and victory. 电影音乐的音乐会版本渗满电影感,对道别时依依不舍之情、法尔斯塔夫死亡时的凄凉及战争胜利的喜悦都表达得淋漓尽致。
- Unlike stage or film musicals featuring rock music, rock operas normally appear as albums first and are associated with a specific band. 与那些以摇滚乐为特色的舞台音乐剧或电影音乐剧不同的是,摇滚歌剧通常首先是以专辑的身份出现并和一支特定的乐队联系在一起。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- This season we cross America from Broadway to Hollywood where dance legends Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers created the Hollywood film musical in the 1930s. 今个乐季,港乐从美国的百老滙走到荷里活,将1930年代荷里活音乐电影的传奇舞蹈家佛列雅士提与珍姐罗渣士的风采重现舞台。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
- The Aesthetic Features of the Video Film Music 电视音乐片的美学特征
- That film creates an atmosphere of menace. 那部影片营造出吓人的气氛。
- In his last film he starred as a cowboy. 他在最近的一部影片中主演一位牛仔。
- She is crazed about the film star. 她对那位影星着迷。
- Liu Sola's film music sound tracks exhibit 刘索拉电影音乐展示
- I'm writing up the film for the local paper. 我现在为本地报纸写影评。