- She was so involved in the play that she cried in the final act. 她对这个剧如此投入,以至于演到最后一幕时,她哭了。
- His final act would be a single transcendent gesture on their behalf. 最后这一行动将是为他们着想而作出的一项不平凡的姿态。
- Then, in a final act of incredible courage, the last man tumbles earthwards. 接着,最后这名高手以令人难以置信的勇气向下跳去。
- The69- year-old former dictator refused to wear a hood on the gallows in a final act of defiance. 这位69岁的前任独裁者在绞刑架前拒绝蒙上面罩,尽最后的机会以示他的轻蔑。
- Cremating a paper mahjongg set for one's ancestors' amusement in the other world is a final act of filial piety. 烧副纸麻将,以免先人在黄泉下无聊,是子孙最后的孝心。
- His performance is a heroic, unsettling final act: this young actor looked into the abyss. 他的表演是英雄的、却让人不安的最后一幕:这个年轻的演员望向了幽冥。
- Besides the above efforts, China participated in the TRIPS negotiations during the Uruguay Round and initialled the Final Act. 除上述努力外,中国还在乌拉圭回合中参与了《TRIPS 协定》的谈判,并草签了《最后文本》。
- Time will prove everything, the masses have sharp eyes, the final act of deception enterprises or consumers will be seen through. 时间会证明一切,群众的眼睛是雪亮的,企业的欺骗行径最后还是会被消费者识破。
- The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. 最后一幕戏的帷幕升起,这位贵族独自在黑暗牢房的铁栅后面。
- As the pitiful drama in Budapest was entering its final act, Dietrich's Sixth SS Panzer Army was at last arriving in Hungary in some strength. 随着布达佩斯的悲剧即将结束,迪特利希的党卫队第6装甲集团军终于赶到了匈牙利。
- The news conference in the East Room of the White House was the final act in a daylong series of events staged to mark Mr.Obama’s 100th day in office. 发布会在白宫的东厅举行,作为持续一天的一系列活动的压轴,以纪念小奥同学在位一百天。
- In his final act of duty, less than a month ago, he worked with other members of his unit to build a soccer field for Iraqi children. 在义务他的最终行为,较少比一个月前,他服务以其它他的单位的成员建立一个足球场为伊拉克孩子。
- Romania had signed both the Final Act and the Singapore Treaty, and believed that this new treaty would have a consequential effect on its legal harmonization process. 罗马尼亚签署了《最后文件》和《新加坡条约》,相信这部新条约将对其法律协调进程产生重要影响。
- In the final act, Volpone returns home tired and worried that he is actually growing ill, for he is now feeling some of the symptoms he has been faking. 最后一幕,狐坡尼回到家,深感疲惫并且也担心身体状况真的走下坡,因为现在他真的感觉到他之前假装生病的症状。
- Governments had concluded the Uruguay Round negotiations on 15 December 1993 and Ministers had given their political backing to the results by signing the Final Act at a meeting in Marrakech,Morocco,in April 1994. 其各成员国政府于1993年12月15日结束了乌拉圭回合谈判,各政府首脑于1994年4月在摩洛哥的马拉喀什签署了最终法案,给予这一结果以政治支持。
- He was consuming his final libation. 他正在喝着他的最后一杯酒。
- Bilateral mediation won'ts do, can litigate only finally act against one's will. 双方调解不成,不得已最后只能对簿公堂。
- A few jokes will add a final fillip to your speech. 几句笑话会给你的演说添些生气。
- Today's figures set the stage for the final act of a long-standing dispute between the department,which oversees the census,and big city mayors,most of them Democrats,who feel that the census methods short-change their cities. 今天的[人口调查]数字,导致[人口调查]局和大城市市长之间长期争执的最后一幕。这些市长(多半是民主党籍)觉得调查人口的方法使他们的城市吃亏。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。