- financial and human management 财务及人力资源管理
- Militarization requirements and humanization management. 军事化的要求,人性化的管理!
- It is thus necessary that the AFCD be given sufficient financial and human resources to ensure effective discharge of its responsibilities in ecological conservation and management. 因此,有需要提供充足的资金与人力资源予渔农自然护理署,以确保生态存护及管理工作有效执行。
- Brain drain was a terrible loss to developing countries, in view of the financial and human resources that were lost to the developed world. 考虑到丢失到发达国家的财政和人力资源,人才流失对于发展中国家是一个可怕的损失。
- I dissertate how to standardize from private entrepreneurs, recruitment and human management respectively, taking apart some of relevant elements to enterprises interests. 分别从民营企业家、人才招聘和人才管理三方面论述了如何规范化的问题,剖析了其中对企业利害相关的一系列因素。
- In the 21 century, people advocate knowledge management and human management in human resource management field. People research the development and utilization of the human resource. 进入21世纪以来,在人力资源管理领域更加提倡更加重视提倡知识性管理,重视提倡以人为本的管理,研究人力资源的开发和利用,重在激发人的潜能,发挥人在推动生产力发展中的作用。
- Fish, birds and human beings are all vertebrates. 鱼、鸟和人类都是脊椎动物。
- Our hotel insists the scientic and humanize management, provide the study and develop chance for the employee. 酒店坚持科学化及“人性化”的管理,为员工提供良好的学习、发展空间,为“优秀员工”提供良好完善的内部晋升机会。
- How theory informs financial and management accounting practice. 理论是如何引导财务与管理会计实践的。
- Incorporate and Analyses financial and management reports. 合并及分析财务管理报告.
- Life-insurance Marketing and Human Management 浅谈寿险营销与人本管理
- This article has combined with the reality and humanization management of related publication appearing at present in our library and makes simple argumentation and discussion. 本文针对目前出现的图书的配套出版物,结合我馆的实际及人性化管理实践做了简单的论述和探讨。
- Next is to establish and complete the managerial system.The two characteristics as research teaching institute and humanization management must be exhibited. 包含对实验教学重要性的认识,健全管理体制,突出“研究型教学”和“人性化管理”的特色。
- We all must stand up for democracy and human rights. 我们都必须支持民主,维护民权。
- Financial and Economic Statistics Monthly. 金融经济分馆统计月报/
- Human management capacity and survival capacity as alarming. 人的管理能力与生存能力同样惊人。
- Financial and insurance law service. 金融保险业务。
- Includes additional financial and in-kind support. 这包括额外的财政和实物支持。
- Train and human life are incommensurable. 火车和人的生命是无从比较的。
- Excellent financial and analytical skills? 出色的财务和分析能力?