- financial management principle 财务管理原则
- Financial Management and Tax Planning? 四、财务管理及税务策划?
- On Strengthening Financial Management of Group Co. 论加强集团公司的财务管理。
- The Study On Risk-Based Financial Management II. 风险基础财务管理研究2。
- May we talk about financial management now? 我们现在可以谈一谈有关财务管理方面的事情吗?
- I realize the importance of financial management. 我已意识到财务管理的重要性。
- In accordance with the principle of prudent financial management, the Government cannot rely excessively on such an unstable source of revenue. 在审慎理财的原则下,政府不能过份倚赖这些不稳定的收入来源。
- Creating Value Through World Class Financial Management. 世界级财务管理创造价值。
- Use financial management tools well, and introduce modern concepts. 善用理财工具,引入现代信念。
- In running a company, strict financial management means everything. 经营一家公司,严格的财务管理至关重要。
- Financial management is key in any company or enterprise. 在任何公司和企业单位中财务管理是关键。
- S. degree in financial management from Clemson University. S.;在财务管理的程度由克莱姆森大学。
- This course focuses on the Toyota's Management Principle and Philosophy rather than the TPS tools. 本课程不专注于TPS工具,而专注于工具背后的企业流程及组织管理能力。
- This international firm has a sound system of financial management. 这个国际公司的财务管理系统非常完备。
- Management principle: "Best quality at competitive price and circumspect service". Excel in establishing everlasting cooperation. 经营原则:"质优价廉、服务至上"。愿与广大客户建立永续的合作关系,共创美好的明天。
- My assignment of strategy Financial Management is due today. 我的转让的战略财务管理,是今天上交。
- Critical path and critical activities: time management principles. 关键路径与关键作业的权衡之道:时间管理法则。
- World's greatest management principle: You can work miracles by having faith in others. To get the best out of people, choose to think and believe the best about them. 世界上最伟大的管理原则:相信别人即可创造奇迹。为了人尽其才,你应当看到和相信他们最好的一面。
- It reaffirms the policies of prudent financial management and low taxation. 它重申审慎理财及低税率政策。
- With the development of the technologic of computer and the continuously renew of management principle of asset, makes the appearance of EAM (Enterprise Asset Management System). 随着信息技术的发展,以及设备管理理念不断更新,TPM、RCM等先进设备管理模式的不断成熟,产生了EAM(Enterprise Asset Management)系统。