- I will begin with the Financial Regulations and Rules. 下面从《财务条例与细则》开始介绍。
- The financial regulations shall be based, as far as practicable, on the regulations and practices of GATT 1947. 财务条例应尽可能依据GATT1947的条例和做法。
- IPSAS will have an impact on the Organization's financial regulations and rules. IPSAS将对本组织的财务条例与细则产生影响。
- Financial regulations do not result from a technocratic exercise, but are primarily the outcome of a political process. 金融监管措施并非是一名技术官僚掌权带来的结果,而主要是一种政治进程的产物。
- Our banking regulation, financial regulation, also have been good. 我们的银行监管制度和金融监管制度也十分健全。
- Many of the new-fangled instruments became popular because they got around financial regulations, such as rules on banks' capital adequacy. 许多新奇工具的流行是因为他们可以绕过类似银行资本充足率一类的金融监管。
- Our banking regulation,financial regulation,also have been good. 我们的银行监管制度和金融监管制度也十分健全。
- It would be a mistake if Congress and the President allow the present financial turmoil to panic them into inefficient new financial regulations. 国会和总统如果任由现在的金融困局使管理部门更恐慌以至于出台新的无效率的金融政策,那将是一个错误。
- The meeting laid out a roadmap for overhauling financial regulations that would postpone most of the difficult decisions until Mr. Obama is in office. 关于金融制度检查方面等较难问题,会议决定推迟到奥巴马上台之后再做解决。
- As in, 'I have reset my views of financial regulation. 比如说:“我已经调整了对金融监管的看法。”
- The auditing of the accounts shall be effected by one or more of the countries of the Union or by external auditors,as provided in the financial regulations. 帐目审查工作应按财务规则的规定,由本联盟一个或一个以上国家或外界审计师进行。
- The auditing of the accounts shall be effected by one or more of the countries of the Union or by external auditors, as provided in the financial regulations. 帐目审查工作应按财务规则的规定,由本联盟一个或一个以上国家或外界审计师进行。
- Auditors may review documentation such as statutes, circulars, committee reports, job descriptions, organisation charts, policy and procedure manuals and financial regulations. 审计人员可以检查公司的书面文件,例如章程、函件、委员会报告、岗位描述、组织架构图、方针和程序指南以及财务规章等。
- Mr Greenspan mused on the inherent inflexibility of financial regulation. 格林斯潘陷入了对固有金融规律的沉思;
- If the budget is not adopted before the beginning of a new financial period,it shall be at the same level as the budget of the previous year,as provided in the financial regulations. 如预算在新的财政年度开始前尚未通过,按财务规则的规定,预算应与上一年度预算的水平相同。
- The Secretariat informed the Committee that the proposed Financial Regulations and Rules, regarding the mandate of the External Auditor, have been based on the said INTOSAI document. 秘书处向委员会通报,拟议的《财务条例与细则》中关于外聘审计员任务授权的部分,即基于所述的INTOSAI文件。
- Researches and analyzes the feasibility of the company's fund raising, investing, and allocating, writes up the financial regulations, the working capital theme, cost control. Participates in the company's management. 对本公司的资金筹集、投入和配合的合理性和科学性进行研究分析,并制定出公司的财务制度、资金营运方案、成本控制,参与公司经营管理。
- The liberalization of capital markets and financial regulation is one such key area. 资本市场和金融政策自由化便是很重要的一项工作。
- Upon termination of this Agreement, for whatever reason, any information required to be kept by any financial regulations in Massachusetts pertaining to the spot forex business may be retained by IB. 无论任何原因,在本协议终止时,瑞士任何财务制度要求保留的有关即期外汇业务的任何信息应由代理保留。
- It may establish financial subsidiaries in the Bahamas, Panama, Liechtenstein, or Luxembourg to escape financial regulation. 它可以在巴哈马群岛、巴拿马、列支敦士登或者卢森堡设立种种金融分支机构,以逃避金融管理条例。