- An Outloook of Automobile Financial Service Industry in China? 汽车金融服务业:中外之争,胜算几何?
- Advertising agency , financial service industry experience a plus. 有广告公司、金融服务公司工作经验者优先考虑。
- With the development of integration in financial service industry,"firewall"is a necessary system of consturction in financial holding Conglomerates. 随着金融混业经营的发展,“防火墙”已成为金融控股集团必需的制度设置。
- In 1999 Congress gave increased freedoms to the financial service industry, but failed to create a comprehensive regulatory structure. 在1999年国会给了金融服务工业更高的自由,但是未能建立一个综合的调控结构。
- "In 1999 , Congress gave increased freedoms to the financial service industry, but feared failed to create comprehends of regula toil in a comprehensive regulatory structure. 1999年,国会给了金融服务业更多的自由,但是没能创造一个全面的监管系统。
- We would also like to partner with Chinese companies interested in venturing in the lucrative financial service industry i.e Private equity,Banking and Stock trading in the Kenyan market. 现在的目标:尽量提高询盘的质量。是福布让我找到自己的方向,也找到了更多的买家信息,人们常常说,投之以桃,报之以梨,我想能为大家帮点忙,我就很高兴了。呵呵
- It really is the most important business centre in Europe and the financial services industry is very advanced here. 它的确是欧洲最重要的商业中心,而且这里的金融服务业也很先进。
- The Financial Services industry is creating a variety of standard XML formats to meet their special needs. 金融服务行业建立了多种标准XML格式以满足自身专门的需要。
- The increase in Mainland portfolio investment would benefit Hong Kongs financial services industry. 同时,内地的境外证券投资增长会有利香港金融服务业的发展。
- A recent conference on XML in the financial services industry was an occasion for sober reflection on XML in the real world. 最近关于金融服务行业中的XML的会议提供了冷静反思XML在现实世界中的机会。
- Participating students will be attached to executives of major corporations in the financial services industry for one working day. 参与的学生将与来自财经界主要机构的管理人员进行一天的实习。
- Some of these characteristics derive from the fact that overall the financial services industry is not highly automated. 有些特征源于这样一个事实,即整个金融服务行业还没有高度自动化。
- Practitioners of the financial services industry are required to obtain relevant academic and professional qualifications or licenses. 金融从业员将需要考取各类的专业学历和牌照,方可从事有关的业务。
- Some companies in the financial services industry are required by regulatory bodies such as the SEC and NASD to log, monitor and capture instant messaging. 规范性机构(比如SEC:证券交易委员会和NASD:全国证券交易商协会)要求某些金融服务行业公司记录、监视并捕捉即时消息。
- The bill would authorize loans to the auto industry from the Treasury Department's $700 billion fund to bail out the financial services industry. 该议案将批准国家财政部拿出7000亿美元通过金融服务机构向汽车行业提供贷款。
- There have been sharp falls on major stock markets amid fears that the turmoil in the financial services industry is far from over. 主要的股票市场出现大幅下跌的情况,该情况表明金融服务行业的动荡局势还远远没有结束。
- SAS is underscoring its commitment to the financial services industry with the release of a new version of SAS Anti-Money Laundering. SAS是通过释放SAS反洗钱系统新版本来强调其对金融服务行业的承诺。
- In the 1990's, the Internet was the driving force behind innovation in the financial services industry, now mobile technology takes this revolution to the next level. 上世纪90年代金融服务创新的推动力量是互联网,如今,手机技术把这种变革推上了一个更高的层次。
- In this column, Uche Ogbuji ponders XML through the prism of the financial services industry, and presents some of the more important XML standards relevant to that industry. 在本专栏中,Uche Ogbuji通过金融服务行业的棱镜思考XML,并介绍了与该行业有关的一些更重要的XML标准。
- People again displayed an enterprising spirit and charted a new course for the future by gradually expanding our services industry, including financial services. 制造业不断北移,永不言败的香港人又再次打拼未来,开拓服务业,包括发展金融业。