- We have to pay our taxes at the end of the financial year. 每到财政年度末,我们得纳税。
- The company should end the financial year in the back. 公司在财政年度末应该有盈余。
- We helped 900 in the past financial year with only one default. 在上一个财政年,我们仅亏损了900元。
- The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year. 公司在上一财政年度出现巨额亏损。
- The firm has drawn up a budget for the coming financial year. 这个公司已经起草了明年财政年度的预算。
- The Official Solicitor's case-load for 2000-2001 was 218, an increase of 13 per cent over the previous financial year. 二零零零至零一年度,法定代表律师共处理218宗个案,较上一个财政年度增加13%25。
- The carry over is the open commitment at the end of the previous financial year. 上一财政年度末,我们做出了留存的公开承诺。
- The Official Solicitor's case-load for 2000-2001 was 218,an increase of 13 per cent over the previous financial year. 二零零零至零一年度,法定代表律师共处理218宗个案,较上一个财政年度增加13%25。
- The profit retained for the financial year ending on March 31,1999,amounted to $51 million. 截至一九九九年三月三十一日的财政年度,公司注册处所得的盈利为5,100万元。
- Last February's Budget contained tax concessions of $13 billion in the current financial year. 在今年二月发表的财政预算案中,政府提出减税措施,在本财政年度减收的款项为130亿元。
- The 2000-2001 financial year saw a moderate growth in business volumes in its core services and the department achieved a surplus of $42 million. 二零零零至零一财政年度,该处的主要业务出现温和增长,获得4,200万元盈余。
- Whenever we have achieved a budget surplus for a financial year, the surplus amount will be saved as fiscal reserves. 某一财政年度财政预算有盈馀时,盈馀将会拨作财政储备。
- The operating environment will remain challenging for the remainder of the financial year. 本年度下半年集团的经营环境将继续充满挑战。
- A total of $7.18 million was available in the financial year 1997 to sponsor officers to attend development and vocational training programmes overseas. 在一九九七财政年度,警队共拨款718万元,赞助警务人员在海外修读发展及职业训练课程。
- The state governments and the federal government will make an annual budget at the beginning of a financial year. 每年州政府会和联邦政府会在财政年度初制定预算方案。
- The profit retained for the financial year ending on March 31, 1999, amounted to $51 million. 截至一九九九年三月三十一日的财政年度,公司注册处所得的盈利为5,100万元。
- Article 8. The financial year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December of the Gregorian calendar. 第八条会计年度自公历1月1日起至12月31日止。
- For the first eleven months of a financial year monthly returns are required to be lodged with the Taxation Office. 在一个财政年度的前十一个月,每月应向税务办公室提交报告。
- Within seven months of the end of the financial year, payment of the tax must accompany the return. 在财政年度的后七个月内,纳税应与提交报告同时进行。
- Carryovers Funds unused during a financial year which are transferred to the budget for the following financial year. 结转额指在一个财政年度中,未用并结转到下一个财政年度预算中的资金。