- The financial penalty is appropriate. 经济处罚是适当的。
- Comparative Study on the Environmental Enforcement and Financial Penalty between China and U.S. 中美环境执法与经济处罚的比较分析。
- On advice from the Complaints Committee, the BA issued seven warnings and one serious warning, and imposed one financial penalty amounting to $100,000. 广管局根据投诉委员会的建议,共发出警告7次及严重警告一次,并征收罚款一次,罚款额达10万元。
- On advice from the Complaints Committee,the BA issued seven warnings and one serious warning,and imposed one financial penalty amounting to $100,000. 广管局根据投诉委员会的建议,共发出警告7次及严重警告一次,并征收罚款一次,罚款额达10万元。
- Contractors who fall behind schedule incur heavy financial penalties. 承包商如延误工期将被处以巨额罚款。
- The strategy of imposing financial penalties marks a relatively recent development. 施以经济惩罚的策略,标志着美国在审查外资收购方面出现了新进展。
- A guarantee (backed up with financial penalties) from the vendor to say they have been honest guv.Useful in negotiation with vendors (also see V). 相形之下,我国的货币政策一年来在稳定与紧缩之间摇摆,错误而迟疑的货币政策使中小企业与工薪阶层受到打击,对 经济降温无济于事。
- Steep financial penalties, on one hand (not the current slaps on the wrist), and tax incentives on the other -- if properly implmented -- can be effective. 如果能够被合理的运用,高额的罚金(不是现在隔靴搔痒般的数额)和税收上的优惠也许能够起到作用。
- Violation of the agreement generally carries stiff financial penalties, agreed to in writing by the worker and designed to operate as a disincentive to going back on his word. 违反了这书面协议通常会遭受严重的经济处罚,而该罚也正是为防止雇员违反协议而专门设的。
- Sporting sanctions may spark the already struggling Mercedes' withdrawal from the sport, while financial penalties would be disastrous amid the backdrop of the global recession. 体育制裁可能引发的已经挣扎奔驰撤出运动,而经济处罚将是灾难性的背景下,由于全球经济衰退.
- The UK would face severe financial penalties if it decided to cancel or cut this number and has now started to sound out potential buyers for all or part of its order. 如果英国决定取消或者削减购买这些战斗机的数量,将面临严重经济处罚。该国已开始物色能吞掉其全部或部分订单的潜在买家。
- When the method of enforcement is imposition of financial penalties, rather than injunctions or jail sentences, the boundary between direct regulation and the last method below becomes blurred. 实施的方法是施加财政罚款,而不是颁布禁令或监禁。 这样一来,直接管理与下文中最后一个办法之间的界限变得十分模糊。
- He has a lot of financial worries at the moment. 他现在有很多财务上的烦恼事。
- The meeting had been a humdinger.The Germans were adamant that any government that breached a budget deficit of 3 per cent of gross domestic product would face automatic financial penalties. 在这场万人瞩目的会议上,德国人态度坚决,认为任何国家的政府,只要预算赤字超出国内生产总值的3%25,就应自动面临财政处罚。
- He is an adventurer in financial field. 他是金融领域的投机者。
- We met some financial embarrassment. 我们遇到一些财务困难。
- His official designation is Financial Controller. 他的职称是财务总监。
- His financial affairs are in such a tangle. 他的钱财是糊涂帐。
- I am in charge of financial affairs. 我职掌财务。
- Their financial problems are public property now. 他们在经济上出现的问题现已尽人皆知了。