- This stifles the development of the financial sector. 这就遏制了金融部门的发展。
- The financial sector's regulatory role has been given to full play. 财政调控作用得到充分发挥。
- When will Asian Cooperation in the Financial Sector Become Reality? 亚洲区域金融合作有多远?
- This stifles the development of the financial sector . 这就遏制了金融部门的发展。
- For liberals, the financial sector is the brain of a modern economy. 对于自由主义者来说,金融业是现代经济的大脑。
- The credit crunch is cutting a swathe through the US financial sector. 信用紧缩对美国财政部门产生了巨大轰动。
- But it could be part of the process of shrinking our bloated financial sector. 但是,它应该成为收缩浮肿金融业进程中的一部分。
- Ms.Hirano,a 22-year-old senior at Keio University,said it was her dream to work in the financial sector. 22岁的平野小姐是庆应大学四年级的学生,她说她梦想着去金融部门工作。
- Continue to open the financial sector steadily,protect balance of the balance payments and the stability of Renminbi. 继续稳步扩大金融对外开放,维护国际收支平衡和人民币汇率稳定。
- The development of the financial sector will face both opportunities and severe challenges after China's WTO accession. 中国加入WTO,金融业的发展面临良好机遇和严峻挑战。
- Going back to basics will hopefully enable them to stay on track in the task of financial sector development. 回到基本去,大家在发展金融业时便不会偏离正轨。
- In the financial sector, banks and insurance companies have both lost a lot of money. 在金融界,银行和保险公司都蒙受了很大损失。
- China's financial sector developed with commensurate reforms in 1998 and has played a significant role in accomplishing the economic growth target and social stability. 1998年中国金融业在改革中发展,金融业为促进全年经济增长目标实现和社会稳定发挥了重大作用。
- The weakness of the Germany financial sector has massive implications for Germany industry. 疲软的德国经济界拥有巨大影响德国工业。
- The migration of financial sector activity into cyber space has begun, whether we like it or not. 无论我们喜欢与否,金融交易网上化的年代已经展开。
- If the real economy slows by much, it will feed back into the financial sector and the screw will tighten once more. 如果实体经济发展缓慢,它就会反映到金融部门同时人们又要紧绷起神经来了。
- Especially within the region, the financial sector serves as the crucial intermediary for funding of infrastructure developments. 金融业是基建发展融资的极重要中介机构,在区内尤其是这样。
- Why will China's financial sectors face the biggest challenge? 为什么中国的金融部门将面临最大的挑战?
- Caprio,Gerard,Daniela Klingebiel,2003.EPISODES OF SYSTEMIC AND BORDERLINE FINANCIAL CRISES.Word Bank Financial Sector. 国家信息中心中经网.;2006中国行业年度报告系列之银行
- Carnegie China Debate Series IX: Does China's Financial Sector Jeopardize Economic Growth? 卡内基“中国政策辩论系列”之九:中国金融体制是否适应中国经济发展的需要?