- Then it analyzed financing cost finding out its cause is high lending rate and financing cost. 接着再分析其融资成本,发现其原因是借款利率和融资费用偏高。
- The overpricing or underpricing of Convertible Bonds will affect the financing cost to issuers and the profit of the investors. 可转换债券定价高低直接影响到发行人的融资成本和投资人的获利空间。
- The minor enterpnises who need funds should enhance their ability in financing managment,so as to reduce the financing cost caused by moral hazzard. 本文认为,作为资金需求方的中小企业,应提高其融资管理水平,降低“道德风险”所产生的融资成本。
- According to cash management requirements, through balancing of cash inflows and outflows, to meet operation demands of cash, and minimize financing cost. 根据资金管理需求,通过平衡资金的收支,满足公司营运对资金的要求,最小化筹资成本。
- But lower financing costs and stronger demand will help staunch the decline. 但是低廉的贷款和强劲的需求应该会止住下跌的势头。
- For the existence of such factors as asymmetric information, the actual capital market is not perfect External financing cost is much higher than the internal financing cost obviously. 由于信息不对称等因素的存在,现实的资本市场并不完善,外部融资成本要明显高于内部融资成本,企业进行外部融资时就会面临融资约束。
- Debt financing is attractive because you do not have to sacrifice any ownership interests in your business, interest on the loan is deductible, and the financing cost is a relatively fixed expense. 债务融资对企业权益者是有吸引力的因为债务融资不会牺牲权益者的利益;借款利息可在收益中扣减;财务成本是相对固定费用.
- The choice of capital structure is affected not only appear on the market the financing cost of the company and vendibility, and closely related the processing structure with the enterprise. 资本结构的选择不仅影响上市公司的融资成本和市场价值,而且与企业的治理结构密切相关。
- The small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult aggravating, the financing cost rise largely, a while ago material cost rise, the staff cost rise, aggravated enterprise's unmet needs. 山西中小企业也同样面临着外贸出口受阻,国内市场消费低迷,融资困难加剧、融资成本大幅上升,能源、材料、劳动力成本不断上涨的问题。
- I think this will reduce the financing costs and save both of us a lot of trouble. 我认为,这可以降低财务成本,省却我们双方很多麻烦。
- In contrast, the issue of exchangeable bonds lower financing costs, the amount of financing as well. 与此相比,发行可交换债的融资成本较低,融资额度也较大。
- Article 3 The financing costs related to the financing leases shall be subject to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 21 - Leases. 第三条与融资租赁有关的融资费用,适用《企业会计准则第21号??租赁》。
- Not only can calmly defusing financial risks, and can reduce corporate financing costs, improve enterprise capital structure. 不仅可以从容化解金融风险,而且可以降低企业融资成本,改善企业资本结构。
- The outlook for Asian corporate debt is dimming fast. Collapsing earnings and economic conditions mean ratings are on the way down and financing costs rising. 亚洲企业债券的前景也迅速变得暗淡起来。收益和经济形势的恶化意味着评级将会下降,融资成本将会上升。
- While at these financing costs have reached 10% or even higher, but real estate developers or frequent contact with them, hoping that someone "life-saving money". 而这些融资方式虽然年息成本已经达到10%25甚至更高,但房地产开发商还是频频与之接触,希望寻到“救命钱”。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- How do to make the management cost, the labor cost, the finance cost and of the representative lowest and the ratepaying declaration most reasonable? 如何让代表处做到最低管理成本、劳务成本、财务成本及最合理的纳税申报?
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。