- Factoring, a perfect financing instrument provided by CEB bank, will meet all around financial needs of your company and help to solve your account receivable problems. 中国光大银行的理财宝-保理业务为您的企业提供全方位的金融服务,使企业在竞争中占得先机,全面解决应收账款问题。
- A convertible Bond is a financing instrument which can be converted to the shares issued by the bond issuer under certain circumstances and it owns the strongpoint of both common bonds and stock. 可转换债券(或简称可转债)是一种可以在一定条件下转换成发债公司股票的融资工具,兼具普通债券和股票的优点。
- Cooperate with the financial departments to develop new-type financing instruments with sports concepts. 与金融部门合作,开发体育概念的新型融资工具。
- Pawn financing instruments, scope of business is also different from other modes of financing, and there are certain risks. 典当融资手段、业务范围也不同于其它融资方式,并存在一定风险。
- Article 6 The National Inter-bank Funding Center (NIFC) shall provide services for the trading of debt financing instruments in the inter-bank bond market. 第六条全国银行间同业拆借中心(以下简称同业拆借中心)为债务融资工具在银行间债券市场的交易提供服务。
- The stethoscope is a medical instrument. 听诊器是一种医疗器械。
- This instrument monitors the patient's heartbeats. 这台仪器监听病人的心跳。
- We are financing for the housing project. 我们在为住宅计划筹措资金。
- The king signed the instrument of abdication. 国王签署了逊位的文告。
- A similar board used as a percussion instrument. 敲击板用作打击乐器的一种类似的板
- This scientific instrument suffered severely. 这部科学仪器受到严重损坏。
- Language is an instrument for communication. 语言是交际的手段。
- The compass is an instrument of navigation. 罗盘是航行仪器。
- The bagpipe is a sweet musical instrument. 风笛是一种听起来很悦耳的乐器。
- The viola is a stringed instrument. 中提琴是一种弦乐器。
- A telegraphic sending instrument. 发报器电报机中发射信号的仪器
- Made with or as if with a sharp instrument. 割开的用或好象用利器制成的
- An instrument for recording muscular contractions. 肌动描记器记录肌肉收缩的器械
- An instrument or a method for inflicting such pain. 刑具造成这种痛苦的工具或手段
- An instrument or device used to measure the skull. 头盖测量器用于测量头盖的仪器或部件