- His fingers closed on something small and silky. 他的手指头抓住一件又小又柔软的东西。
- Keep winking back and forth, then move your finger closer to your face. The closer your finger is, the more it appears to jump compared to the background. 继续来来回回地眨眼,然后将你的手指移到靠近你的脸。你的手指靠的越近,相对于背景物它似乎越是有大的跳跃。
- He was allowed to touch Aya and seeing her tiny fingers close in on his was just indescribable. 他被允许触摸阿雅,看到她的小指头在他手上闭在一起,是难以描述的。
- His fingers closed around the soft flesh of her arm. 他握住了她柔软的手臂。
- He tied a string on his finger to jog his memory. 他把一条细绳系在指头上,以唤起记忆。
- He that handle thorn shall pick his finger. 手中弄荆棘,难免被刺伤。
- Instead of which,my fingers closed on the fingers of a little,ice-cold hand! 我的手指头没抓到它,却碰着了一只冰凉小手的手指头!
- Never poke a finger or scissors into an electric socket. 千万不要把手指或剪刀插进电源插座。
- Finally her fingers closed around one vial filled with purple liquid. 最后,她的手指攥住了一个装着紫色液体的瓶子。
- She poked her finger into the hole. 她把手指插入孔中。
- She twirled a strand of hair round her finger. 她把一绺头发卷绕在手指上。
- I cut my finger on a sharp stone. 我的手指被一块锋利的石头划破了。
- Don't cut your finger on the broken glass. 别让碎玻璃割伤你的手。
- He crooked his finger to himself. 他向内勾起手指。
- He probed the swelling anxiously with his finger. 他很担心地用手指触摸肿处。
- The days are closing in now that autumn is here. 秋天来到了,白天渐渐短了。
- The store is closing out a large stock of toys. 该店正减价出售大批玩具存货。
- People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. 人们说那只老虎还躲在附近。
- Now the water is so hot I burnt my finger in it. 现在水很热,我的手指伸进去都烫痛了。
- Closing time at this pub is eleven o' clock. 这酒馆的打烊时间是十一点。