- He rubbed off the finger mark from the painting. 他擦去了画上的指印。
- Do you think that they can clean off all these finger marks? 你看他们能够把这些指痕统统擦掉吗?
- The servant rubbed off the finger mark from the paint. 佣人把油漆上的指痕擦掉。
- She carefully rubbed off the finger mark from the paint. 她小心地把油漆上的指印擦掉。
- The children blacked the door with their finger marks. 孩子们的指痕将门弄得又脏又黑。
- Do you think we can clean away all these finger marks? 你看我们能够把这些指痕统统去掉吗?
- Do you think I can clean off these finger marks? 你认为我能把这些指痕全去掉吗?
- Do you think I can clean off these finger marks. 你认为我能把这些指痕全去掉吗?
- Do you think we can clean away all these finger marks ? 你看我们能够把这些指痕统统去掉吗?
- The fad without a name was one which dealt with people's finger marks. 那个没有名称的嗜好是研究人们的指纹的。
- The Product Adopts Up-To-Date Europe And America Formula Refining But Is Accomplished, Energy Dirt Such As Prompt Oil Stain, Dust, Rain Stain And Finger Mark On Dislodging A Windshield. 该产品采用了以最新的欧洲和美洲的配方精制,但完成之际,能源污垢等迅速油污,灰尘,下雨染色及手指的印记下取出一挡风玻璃上。
- The finger marks had deepened underneath her eyes, a languor came upon her; it made her the more sweet and youthful. 她眼睛下面的指印显得更深了,她有点神思恍惚的样子;这就使她显得越发娇媚,越发年轻。
- Around the door handles and light switches there are unsightly zones of dirty finger marks. 在门把手和电灯开关四周则满是脏手印的难看部位。
- Students, when you are playing the melodic, please pay attention to the fingering mark. 同学们,吹奏口风琴时要注意指法标记。
- "I was at my home one evening and my children's governess was scolding them for leaving their finger marks on the newly oiled table, in my dining room. “噢,记得那天傍晚我正呆在家里,而我的孩子们因为到处乱摸,将手纹弄到了那张才刚刚擦干净的桌子上,被家庭教师骂了半天。
- He vainly tried to mark the defacing stain out. 他试图除去有损外观的污迹,但没有成功。
- He tied a string on his finger to jog his memory. 他把一条细绳系在指头上,以唤起记忆。
- He that handle thorn shall pick his finger. 手中弄荆棘,难免被刺伤。
- Never poke a finger or scissors into an electric socket. 千万不要把手指或剪刀插进电源插座。