- fingermark sprays 指纹喷涂
- The air is passed through sprays of liquid. 空气通过液体喷淋装置。
- Aerosol sprays may also contain the compounds. 气溶喷剂也可能含有这种混合物。
- This canola also resisted pesticide sprays. 这种油菜也可以抵抗农药。
- Saline nose drops or sprays also ease congestion. 苦涩的滴剂或喷剂亦可缓解充血。
- Fixed sprays not showing up on some surfaces. 修正喷漆在部分材质上无法正确显示的错误。
- Sprays of recollections were lapping her mind. 回忆的浪花在她的心头叩击。
- Sprays should be timed to coincide with the end of egg hatching. 要掌握好喷射时间适好在卵孵化的末期。
- The casket is closed and covered with floral sprays. 棺材盖上了盖子,上面洒满了鲜花。
- Chemical thinners add another to the arsenal of sprays. 化学疏除剂已列入农药的宝库中。
- Urea is commonly used as the source of nitrogen in foliage sprays. 尿素作为氮素给源普遍地应用于叶面喷布。
- But even the mosquito has been subdued by attention to drainage and by chemical sprays. 但甚至蚊子也由于我们注意排水和化学喷雾而已被抑制住了。
- Tell the girl not to pull those sprays about; she might spoil them. 叫那女孩别把那些小花枝扭来扭去; 她会把它们弄坏的。
- A supernova sprays space with many different elements. 超新星会向宇宙放射不同种类的元素。
- Tell the girl not to pull those sprays about;she might spoil them. 叫那女孩别把那些小花枝扭来扭去;她会把它们弄坏的。
- For this reason, vaginal sprays and douches should be avoided. 因为这个原因,应该避免阴道消毒喷雾和阴道盥洗。
- Specify side sprays with mist, aerated, or massage jets. 指定方喷雾剂有薄雾,曝气,或按摩喷射。
- Are you gonna cut that part out Trent where it sprays me? 你们会剪掉那段吗特伦特它喷到哪了?
- Tell the girl not to pull these sprays about;she might spoil them. 别让那个小姑娘将那些花技扭来扭去,它们全被弄坏的。
- Chemical thinners add another to the arsenal of sprays . 化学疏除剂已列入农药的宝库中。