- Finite element computing model is set up for the processes of two metal formings.It Uses Dynaform to simulate the process of metal forming and get the conclusion. 传统的方法是依赖经验和直觉,这往往很难达到缩短产品开发周期、降低成本的目的,同时,产品的质量也不能得到应有的保证。
- A nonlinear finite element computational model for reinforced and prestressed concrete slender columns with arbitrary cross-section under axial load and biaxial bending is presented. 提出了轴力和双向弯曲作用下任意截面混凝土和预应力混凝土细长柱的非线性有限元计算模型。
- The Collapsing Strength Finite Element Computation Model of Slotted Liner 割缝防砂筛管抗挤强度有限元计算模型
- finite element computing model 有限元计算模型
- The spatial computation model of a cable bridge was established by the finite element program MIDAS. 索道桥是以钢丝绳为主要受力构件的一种柔性悬索体系桥梁。
- The aim of the present work is to develop a new computer model to study the flow of a polymer melt through the metering region of a die and in this article, a finite element method and computer program are employed. 本文以单螺杆挤出机机头口模中的塑料熔体为研究对象,采用有限元法和计算机进行模拟分析,系统的研究了塑料熔体在挤出口模中的温度分布状态。
- The paper analyses the stress wave propagating in a variable section bar using HONDO finite element computer program . 利用HONDO有限元程序对应力波在变截面杆中的传播进行了分析。
- The tunnel excavation mechanics behavior of the banding rocks was simulated by the ANSYS general finite element computation software. 并用ANSYS通用有限元计算软件对层状岩体中隧道开挖的力学行为进行了数值模拟。
- A simple and useful fully automatic grid rezoning method,for unstructured triangular grids in the 2D finite element computation of elastic plastic fluid mechanics,is presented. 对二维弹塑性流体力学有限元计算中的非结构三角网格,提出了一种简单、实用的全自动网格重分方法。
- In this paper, a comprehensive survey for the state of art of a posteriori error estimates in finite element computation for magnetostatics since 1980s is presented. 80年代以来,国际上兴起对恒定磁场后验误差估计的研究,本文系统地介绍这方面的发展概况。
- The finite element computational method for the simulation of cooling water pipe is believed effective with its easiness in operation, adjustment and compatibility and so on. 该算法对冷却水管的仿真模拟而言,具有仿真效果好、操作简单、灵活易调整、适应性强等特点。
- Zibra, Y.H. and Baluch, M.H.(1995).''''Computational Model for Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Epoxy Bonded Steel Plates,'''' Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 20, 253-271. 钟政信(1997),''''钢筋混凝土梁使用钢板补强之有限元素分析'''',硕士论文,国立台湾大学土木工程研究所,台北。
- For prototype test and vibration source analysis on abnormal vibration of3# hydro generating set at Tianshengqiao first cascaded power station, it is useful to find out the vibration source by finite element computation for upper bracket. 对天生桥一级电厂3%23组上机架异常振动进行了真机实测及原因分析,得到的结果是:振动过大的主要原因是发电机转子质量不平衡,次要原因是机组轴线不直。
- Ziraba, Y.N., and Baluch, M.H., "Computational Model for Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Epoxy Bonded Steel Plates", Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 20, 1995, pp.253-271. 钟政信,"钢筋混凝土梁使用钢板补强之有限分析",指导教授-蔡益超,国立台湾大学土木工程学研究所硕士论文,民国八十六年六月。
- Finite element computation and analysis for the DN3400 single - and twin - hinge type expansion joint were conducted in this paper. The stress distribution on the areses of the bearing parts, such as hinge pull - board, hinge pin, etc, were given out. 本文对某厂制造的DN3400的单式和双式两种类型的铰链型波纹管膨胀节进行了有限元计算分析,给出了膨胀节铰链处拉板、销轴及万向环等受力元件的应力分布情况。
- Finite element computer analysis was used to investigate the influence of interface position, temperature gradient, growth rate and latent heat on the interface shape during crystal growth by the Bridgman method. 本文用有限元分析法研究了坩埚下降法(Bridgman法)晶体生长时界面的位置、温度梯度、生长速率和潜热对界面形状的影响。
- Its finite element model is established. 构造了其有限元模型。
- finite element computational micromechanies (FECM) 有限元计算细观力学(FECM)
- A static finite element model of an air spring was given. 摘要文中建立了空气弹簧的静态有限元模型。
- By means of Ritz method, computing formula of finite element method is derived. 便用Ritz法,本文得到有限元法的计算公式。