- In accordance with boundary l ayer separation characteristic, FFT algorithm is adopted to the separation posit ion criterion. 根据边界层分离特性,采用FFT算法进行分离点位置判定;
- The character used to separate positive and negative sub patterns in a pattern. 用于分隔模式中的正负子模式的字符。
- Korea is separated from China by the Yalu River. 朝鲜和中国只有鸭绿江一水之隔。
- The land has been separated (up) into small plots. 这块地已经分成小块了。
- The separated couple was irreconcilable. 那对分居的夫妻不可能和解。
- He found himself separated from his mates. 他发现自己与伙伴们分开了。
- The two communities are separated by a highway. 这两个社区由一条公路隔开。
- Our forces retired to prepared positions. 我们的部队撤退到既设阵地上。
- They separated three years after they got married. 他俩结婚三年后便分居了。
- The troops took up offensive positions. 部队已准备发起攻击。
- The product brand strategy as exemplified by Procter &Gamble assigns a brand name to each product and develops a separate positioning for each product. 产品品牌战略作为例证宝洁公司委派一个品牌名称,以每一个产品,并开发一个单独的定位,为每一个产品。
- This part of the highway is separated by a parkway. 这段高速公路中间有绿化带。
- England is separated from France by the Channel. 英国和法国之间隔著英吉利海峡。
- The war separated many families. 战争使许多家庭妻离子散。
- This patient should be separated from the others. 这个病人应该隔离。
- The two clauses are separated by a comma. 这两个分句由一个逗号分开。
- Our big guns have been hammering away at the enemy positions. 我们的大炮已向敌人的阵地发起连续轰击。
- A fringe group was separated from the main political party. 从该党内部分离出来一个外围集团。
- The boys set to and had to be separated by a teacher. 那些男生大打出手,来个老师才把他们拉开。
- Well, i'm...finitely opposed to such a solution. 嗯,我绝对不赞成这样的解决方法。