- fire risk on freight 货运火险
- The squeeze on freight capacity is even worse. 货运运能更加紧张。
- That warehouse full of paper is a fire risk. 那间堆满纸的仓库有火灾危险。
- Use of these chemicals may present a fire risk. 使用这些化学品可能有失火的危险。
- Volatility is a standard measure of risk on the underlying. 波幅是量度相关资产风险的标准方法。
- The universe will reward you for taking a risk on it's behalf. 宇宙将会以他的名义为你的冒险精神而给予回报。
- I heard there is a method against the risk on the futures market. 我听说期货市场上有一种方法可以避免这种风险。
- Where straw is used, breaks must be left to reduce the fire risk. 在用草秸覆盖的土地上,要注意留断行以防止火灾。
- The currency speculator is actually willing to take risk on. 实际上,货币投机者愿意承担风险。
- Ruggeri took such a big risk on me at such a young age. 我们不放过每一个可以踢球的机会,从白天踢到晚上,一踢就是好几个小时,有时会很晚才回家。
- According to the plan, FEFC next year will be divided second on freight rate of line of tone Asia-Europe westing. 根据计划,FEFC明年将分四次上调亚欧西行航线运价。
- Command a ship to explore a sea zone with no risk on its next journey. 命令你的一只舰船在下次航程中谨慎地去探索一片海域。
- Yes. I heard there is a method against the risk on the futures market. 兰:是的。我听说期货市场上有一种方法可以避免这种风险。
- Toshiba Corp. said on Thurs day it has recalled more Sony Corp. laptop computer batteries due to fire risk. 东芝周四表示,由于存在起火隐患,其已经召回更多由索尼制造的笔记本电脑电池。
- He does not take as many risks on the road as he used to . 他不再像以前那样在路上冒险了。
- Suppose an insurance company agrees to assume the fire risk for 10,000 similar buildings. 假设某一保险公司同意为1万幢相似的建筑物承担火险。
- The astronauts faced risks on the moon never before met by man. 宇宙航行员在月球上所冒的危险,是人类以前从来没有遇见的。
- As you move through the building, reduce the fire risk by closing doors behind you. 在本大厦走动时,关上身后的门以减低火灾危险。
- Cyber Import is given a35% discount on freight by the government due to our high volume. 赛博公司由于有大量的货物运送所以得到政府35%25折扣优惠。