- Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base. 它的重工业有广泛坚实的基础。
- Stand the fish tank on a firm base. 把鱼缸放在牢固的基座上。
- The lathe should be set ona firm base. 车床应安装在坚实的底座上。
- The lathe should be set on a firm base. 车床应安装在坚实的底座上。
- The machine must rest on a firm base. 这台机器必须安装在牢固的底座上。
- It is on that firm base that we have built the “new” ODL. 正是在这个坚实的基础,我们已经建立了“新的”ODL。
- The theory of relativity provides a firm basis for his space exploring. 相对论理论为他的太空探索提供了坚实的基础。
- Kachi Partners is a private equity firm based in Boulder, Colorado. 卡奇投资公司是一个总部设在美国科罗拉多州玻尔德市的私募股权投资公司。
- The social security system, currently in tatters, should be put on a “relatively firm basis”. 一盘散沙般的社会保障体系,应当“相应地坚实基础”。
- Their persistence and ongoing rise indicate a firm basis in underlying tightness in supply. 他们的持续不断地上涨的趋式暗示了在供应方面有一个稳定的基础。
- The proven manufacturing process will make the firm basis for the vast GGH market... 制造工艺的日趋成熟,为今后开拓广阔的烟气加热器市场打下了扎实的基础。
- The granting of the PNTR status to China will provide a firm basis for HKSAR businessmen to plan their businesses with the Mainland and the USA. 中国获给予永久正常贸易关系地位,为本港商人提供稳固的基础,以便筹划对内地和美国的业务。
- Also the nature as a result of bushfighting, golden hill did not establish firm base area all the time. 也正是由于游击战的本性,金山一直都没有建立起稳固的根据地。
- Most of the Communists I talked to on this point were quite frank about their need to create a firm base of support. 这就极清楚地说明,共产党人的用意并不在建立乌托邦式的民主,而是在培植支持自己的力量。
- Augus Partners is an international corporate advisory firm based in Beijing. 鳌智是一家位于北京的国际专业企业咨询公司。
- But it provided a firm base upon which all manner of men, of all races and colours and creeds, could build our solid structure of democracy. 但是它为我们奠定了坚强的基础,使所有的人,不论种族、肤色、信仰,都能在上面建立自己的坚实的民主结构。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- The project of Yaoda Hotels in Huangyan and Wenling which are being built fast is to set up the firm base of the greatest and highest grade chain hotelling in Taizhou. 正在紧张建造中的黄岩、温岭耀达酒店项目为公司打造台州最大最高档酒店业连锁奠定了坚实基础;
- The Greek strategy was firmly based on the facts of geography. 希腊人的策略严格基于地理学的事实。