- firm position after dismount (跳下后)稳定姿势
- Uncompromising policy or a firm position. 指主张采取强硬路线或立场。
- Anna's position after her father's death was very difficult. 在父亲逝世以后,安娜的处境非常苦。
- What do you think your future position after your study? 你准备找什么样的工作?
- The bashful writer is reluctant to come right out and state a firm position. 好译来翻译公司是高端翻译的领跑者;提供英德法俄日等多个语种的互译服务;由外籍专家译审.
- Tom succeeded in getting the postdoc position after keen competition. 通过激烈的竞争后,汤姆成功地得到了那个博士后的职位。
- The camper' s tent was held in a firm position by ropes which were attached to stakes. 野营者的帐蓬是用系在木桩上的绳子牢牢固定的。
- Position, possibility, proof: I take the firm position that parents do not owe their children a college education. 我确信,父母不欠孩子们受大学教育这份情。
- Although the Republican party has been a long-time supporter of corporate America, President Bush is trying to demonstrate his firm position. 尽管长久以来共和党一直支持企业界,不过布希总统正设法表现出他的坚定立
- All five have tested positive after out-of-competition tests. 她们都是在赛后的药检中被检查出阳性的。
- Our company eliminated 100 positions after their downsizing. 我们公司精简机构后裁撤了一百个岗位。
- Powell indicated the position after discussion with officials from European Union, Russia and United Nations. 鲍威尔是在与欧盟、俄罗斯和联合国官员会谈后作上述表态的。
- The cursor is restored to its original position after a search and replace operation completes and is not canceled. 光标将在搜索和替换操作完成后还原到原始位置。
- If the Respondent applies to the court for it to consider the Respondent's financial position after the divorce. 如果答辩人向法庭申请考虑其离婚后的经济状况。
- This is our firm position. 这是坚定不移的。
- If you think I can fill the position after you have read my letter, I shall be glad to talk with you. 读完此信后倘您认为敝人可补缺,敝人愿和您一谈。
- Returns the position of the first editable position after the specified position using the specified search direction. 使用指定的搜索方向,返回指定位置之后第一个可编辑位置的位置。
- Paula Tsui treaded one section of her life journey afer another, occupying a firm positive in the music arena. 怀著不灭的信心,徐小凤走过一段又一段的人生路,在乐坛始终屹立不倒。
- Methods Using the Botlinum texin from lanzhou Institnte of Biology,inject the spasmodic position after dilution. 方法使用兰州生物研究所生产的肉毒杆菌毒素,稀释后注射于痉挛部位。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。