- This result was the first direct evidence of the decelerating epoch. 这就是减速时期的第一项直接证明。
- There is a gleam of luminous gold, where the sinking western sun has found a first direct interstice in the clouds. 从西落太阳在云层里发现的一个直接空隙处,透出一缕金光。
- Three weeks ago, NASA presented the first direct evidence that rocks the rovers found on Mars had been shaped by water. 三周前,NASA出示了第一份直接证据,证明机遇号在火星上发现的岩石形成于水中。
- The British Parliament passes the Stamp Act, the first direct tax levied from England on the American colonies. 1765年的今天,英国国会通过《印花税法案》,印花税从而成为在首个在美国直接征收的英国税种。
- Astronomers have tracked the movement of a pulsar, making the first direct measurement of its impressive speed. 天文学家追踪观察它的运动,并且第一次直接测量出了它的惊人速度。
- The two Viking Landers carried out the first direct search for life on the Red Planet. 除地球,火星是具有最多各种有趣地形的固态表面行星。
- Clouds such as complexes A and C thus provide the first direct evidence for the infall of fresh gas. 类似复合体A和C这样的云气,提供了新鲜气体坠落的第一个证据。
- In its first direct presidential election in 2004, the incumbent, Megawati Sukarnoputri, lost to Mr Yudhoyono. 在2004年第一次直接选举中,当权者,梅加瓦蒂(梅加瓦蒂(Megawati))输给了尤多约诺(Yudhoyono)。
- The first direct tracers included tiny mineral crystals that had been fractured or melted by the blast. 第一个直接线索包括微小的结晶矿物,因为冲击而破碎或熔化。
- The community is now breathlessly awaiting the first direct detection of gravitational waves. 除此之外,你还将获得直接进入论坛“橡树大厅”版块的机会。
- The enemy first directed their artillery fire at the surrounding mountains. 敌人先向周围的山上开炮。
- The average EU-wide turnout was 43%, the lowest since the first direct elections to the European Parliament in 1979. 全欧参加投票的人仅占43%25,这是1979年欧洲议会直选以来的最低数字。
- A faint dot above a blazing inferno is possibly the first direct view of a planet outside our solar system orbiting a sunlike star. 在熊熊燃烧的火球上方的那颗模糊的圆点可能是第一次直接观测到的太阳系外绕类日恒星运行的一颗行星。
- The community is now breathlessly awaiting the first direct detection of gravitational waves.So why am I nattering on about all this? 这样的论文一经蒙混过关被正式发表出来,白纸黑字,作者就必须面对随之而来的一系列不能够回避的问题。
- "This finding marks the first direct evidence of the source of multipotent adult stem cells known as mesenchymal stem cells. ault博士说:“这个发现是标志存在多潜能成体干细胞(已知的间充质干细胞)第一个直接证据。
- A US aircraft carrier carrying Army helicopters arrived in Saigon -- the first direct American military support for South Vietnam's battle against Communist guerrillas. 年,美国一艘航母运输陆军直升机抵达越南--这是美国军队首次对越南南部为对抗共产主义游击队的战争支援。
- This contrail, a brick red streak of processed krill, more watery than particulate, was our first direct evidence that blue whales were feeding in winter at the Costa Rica Dome. 这条轨迹是消化过的磷虾残渣,较稀而不结块,这是我们头一次得到直接证据,确知蓝鲸冬天在哥斯达黎加圆突区进食。
- Leaving her first job was a watershed in her life. 辞去她的第一份工作是她生活中的一个转折点。
- Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices. 一开始要大火烧肉,以便保存肉汁。