- Like the first drop of sun from the sky. 如同是自天空落下的第一滴骄阳.
- To disable an index, you must first drop the table from the publication. 若要禁用索引,必须先从发布中删除该表。
- To drop the constraint, first drop the article associated with the table. 若要删除约束,请先删除与表关联的项目。
- The first drop was unsuccessful. My front wheel hit a rock and I almost fell off. 第一次飞得不成功,前轮撞到了石头上,险些摔了。
- Novoland is a dream. It is the first drop of water in the sky, which we wish it can turn to an ocean. 九州是一个梦想。是天空里的第一滴水,我们希望它能变成海洋。
- Toyota reporting its first drop in sales for a decade deepened gloom over the outlook for the global economy. 丰田汽车公司报告十年来第一次的下跌,加深对全球经济前景的悲观看法。
- Becuz whn the first drop of tear roll down, they will become human... no more wings. 因为当她们流了第一滴眼泪后,她们就会变成凡人,翅膀也会因此而断了。
- He has asked contractors to cut costs by 30% after profits fell by 14% last year, the first drop in seven years. 在去年利润下降14%25后(这是七年来首次下降),他已要求合约部门同事将成本降低30%25。
- Norway, after all, was a rich, efficiently administered country long before Statoil produced its first drop of oil. 毕竟久在Statoil生产出第一滴石油前,挪威就是个经济富裕而且政管有效的国家。
- The speckled upper that was so easily apparent on the first drop is a little more subdued this time on black. 那么容易地是明显的在第一下落的有斑点的鞋帮是有点被制服的更多在黑色的这次。
- To make schema changes, first drop the publication, make the changes, and then re-create the publication and any subscriptions. 若要更改架构,请先删除发布,进行更改,然后重新创建发布和任何订阅。
- New-home sales fell by 3.2% in October, the first drop in three months, and the stock of unsold new properties continued to rise. 10月份,新房销售额经历了三个月以来的首次下降,降幅达3.;2%25。未售出的新房积压情况继续恶化。
- Eleven years later, in 1938, the hardened chunk of pitch deformed and the first drop of pitch separated itself from the wellspring and thus, Parnell’s hypothesis was validated. 乍一看他们的成功机会并不大。
- Before dropping a database user that owns securables, you must first drop or transfer ownership of those securables. 必须先删除或转移安全对象的所有权,才能删除拥有这些安全对象的数据库用户。
- The first drops of rain are huge.They splat into the dust and imprint the windows with individual signatures. 雨开始大滴大滴落下来,噼里噼啪摔进尘土里,在窗户上洒下点点印记。
- The candidate got a drop on his opponent by announcing first. 这个候选人抢在他的对手之前宣布参加竞选。
- Leaving her first job was a watershed in her life. 辞去她的第一份工作是她生活中的一个转折点。
- She turns and moves uphill towards the house, climbing over a low wall, feeling the first drops of rain on her bare arms. 她转身朝坡上的房子走去,爬过一座矮墙,感觉到雨点已开始打落在自己的手臂上。
- Little Maheegun gained strength after I got the first drops of warm milk in him. He wiggled and soon he was full and warm. 我给小美尔根喂了几滴热牛奶后,他恢复了力气。他扭动着,不一会就吃饱了,身上也暖和了。
- Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices. 一开始要大火烧肉,以便保存肉汁。