- He wanted to go to bed as soon at the sound of the first night watch. 天刚刚起更,他就想睡觉了。
- The play's first night was a disaster. 这出戏头一晚就演砸了。
- On the first night we stopped over in a small settlement. 头一天夜里,我们在一个小居民点停留下来。
- It was the sailor's first night ashore; they painted the town red. 这是水手们上岸的第一个夜晚; 他们大肆狂欢痛饮。
- The night watch relieved the day watch at 6 p.m.. 值夜班的人在下午6点接替值日班的人。
- She went over her lines before the first night of the play. 她在该剧首演前又练习了一次台词。
- The night watch relieved the day watch at 6 p.m. . 值夜班的人在下午6点接替值日班的人。
- The night watch sounded the fire alarm. 守夜人弄响了火灾警报器。
- The night watch comes on duty soon. 值夜班的人很快就要来值班了。
- We saw the show on its first night. 我们在首场演出的晚上就看了表演。
- The night watch relieved the day watch at 6 p.m. 值夜班的人在下午6点接替值日班的人。
- We want to see the first night performance. 我们想看首场夜场演出。
- The first night after the charades. Dolphin's Barn. 就是在海豚仓猜哑剧字谜后那第一个夜晚。
- The play's first night was a total disaster. 这出戏头一晚就彻底演砸了。
- S: We want to see the first night performance. 我们想看首场夜场演出。
- So they could stay warm their first night here. 这样的话,他们就能在第一个晚上整夜都暖暖和和的了。
- Not on the night watch, but I watch for the moon to dawn. 没有守望一夜月,而是月亮为我守望到天亮。
- First night on Oahu.Sunset on Waikiki. 模糊不清阳光图片 cloudy sunshine.
- Mother said imply that children night watch TV twice a week. 母亲的话暗示孩子每星期可看两次电视。
- first night watch 第一个夜班