- first sell order 首次卖盘
- Jacob replied, "First sell me your birthright. 雅各说:“你今日把长子的名分卖给我吧。
- A sell order has similar steps as a buy order. 卖方的订单步骤和买方的订单步骤是相似的。
- How to set up a Two-Way Sell Order? 如何设定双向沽盘?
- Two-Way Sell Order Features and Constraints. 双向沽盘功能限制。
- Can I amend my Two-Way Sell Order? 我可以更改已发出的双向沽盘吗?
- Can I cancel my Two-Way Sell Order? 我可以取消已发出的双向沽盘吗?
- If you want to modify a Market Buy Order or Market Sell Order, you must cancel it first and then setup another order. 您要先取消原先现价买盘或现价沽盘,然后重新设立另一指令。
- Where can I check the order status of my Two-Way Sell Order? 如何查询双向沽盘的最新情况?
- The user places a sell order and confirms it when prompted. 用户下订单并在交货时确认。
- That bodes poorly for BoComm and CCB, says Scarff, who rates the first Sell and the second Hold. 他将中国交通银行的评级列为卖出,将中国建设银行定为持有。
- However, you can cancel the current Two-Way Sell Order and create a new one. 但您可以将整个双向沽盘取消,然后从新建立另外一个。
- The first sold car was a lunar silver Nano LX model. 第一辆售出的车是一辆型号为塔塔纳诺LX的银色汽车。
- A downtick of a given magnitude automatically produces a huge sell order. 只要下跌到一定程度便会涌出一大堆卖单
- Hungarys Peter Besenyei, of the Red Bull team, was the winner of the first sell wow gold race of the World Series, held in the city of Abu Dhabi on April 6. 我认为:发展经济的核心是充分就业。这种充分就业、不是简单的人人有工作,它要求我们所从事的工作在适应社会发展的同时,适宜自身才能的发挥。
- Allows for remote modification of buy and sell orders. 远程修改销售和采购定单的技能。
- There will be validation check on the stock holdings when Two-Way Sell Order is entered. 在输入双向沽盘的时候,需要配合足够持股数量。
- However, if you cancel the Two-Way Sell Order by yourself, no notification email will be generated. 但如果您主动取消双向沽盘,那么我们将不会发送电邮通知。
- Beginning coffee's journey from farm to cup, producers first sell their crop to millers, exporters or any number of additional folks in between, generically labeled “middlemen” or “coyotes. 咖啡旅程的开始从农场到杯子,生产者首先把庄稼卖给磨坊出口商或者在其中的任何其他平民,通常标上“中间人”或者“土狼”。
- Are there situations that the Two-Way Sell Order may be cancelled automatically? 在哪些情况下双向沽盘被自动取消?