- Maggie: Is this fishnet stocking night a English class? 麦琪:这个,今天晚上你们是不是要上英语课?
- Five-year-old Lotte Pickard loves her pink fishnet stockings her strappy sandals, which she says, are sexy. "I like to look sexy," the little girl explains. 5岁的洛特-皮卡德很为自己那粉色的网眼袜和系带小凉鞋得意,小姑娘觉得这些东西很性感,而且喜欢自己看上去性感。
- Fortunately the fans' attire is more playground appropriate than the dolls' micro-miniskirts, fishnet stockings, feather boas and midriff-baring tops. 幸运的是,比起洋娃娃的迷你超短裙,渔网袜,羽毛围巾和露腹装,爱好者们的着装还算规范。
- Fishnet stockings, ram horns, and motorcycle tanks are just a few of the symbols used to lure the viewer into this exotic blend of form and surface. 鱼网状的长袜,公羊的犄角,摩托车的油箱仅是几种象征。这些象征把观看者带入一种形态与表层相混合的异国情调中。
- Five-year-old Lotte Pickard loves her pink fishnet stockings her strappy sandals,which she says,are sexy. "I like to look sexy," the little girl explains. 5岁的洛特-皮卡德很为自己那粉色的网眼袜和系带小凉鞋得意,小姑娘觉得这些东西很性感,而且喜欢自己看上去性感。
- Paris Hilton posed for Blender's cover and inside pages wearing lingerie; in one photo, she wears a pink bra, black fishnet stockings and gold platform heels. 报道说,帕丽斯·希尔顿荣登音乐杂志《搅拌机》(9月号)的封面,并且杂志里面也有几张她的半裸照片。在其中一张玉照中,希尔顿身穿粉红色文胸,脚蹬黑色鱼网长袜和金色厚底鞋。
- Paris Hilton posed for Blender's cover and inside pages wearing lingerie; in one photo, she wears a pink bra, black fishnet stockings and gold platform heels. 报道说,帕丽斯。希尔顿荣登音乐杂志《搅拌机》(月号)封面,并且杂志里面也有几张她的半裸照片。在其中一张玉照中,希尔顿身穿粉红色文胸,脚蹬黑色鱼网长袜和金色厚底鞋。
- Wearing fishnet stockings and dance boots, the singer took an advanced-level hip-hop class with instructor Darrien Henning at the Millennium Dance Complex in North Hollywood. 布兰妮身穿渔网长袜和舞靴,到位于好莱坞北部的。
- A pair of fishnet stockings that belonged to the blond bombshell who would have turned 81 sold online for 2,750 dollars, while a cashmere cardigan sold for 2,000 dollars. 如果仍旧在世的话,这位金发碧眼的性感美女满81岁了。她穿过的一双网眼丝袜现场拍卖价格达到2,750美元,另外一件羊绒开衫价格为2,000美元。
- She put on a slinky black dress, fishnet stockings and balanced a small tabletop on her head, On it was a lamp, a champagne glass and an ashtray with two cigarette butts. 她穿上一件黑色的夜行服,一双渔网长筒袜,头上顶一个小桌面。小桌面上放一盏灯、一个香槟高脚杯和一个有两个烟头的烟灰缸。
- Paris Hilton posed for Blender's cover and inside pages wearing lingerie; in one photo, she wears a pink bra, black fishnet stockings and gold platform heels. 前两天刚刚说过“人字拖”,碰巧又在新闻中看到了“厚底鞋”。看来,今天还得与大家再谈鞋的表达。请看一段有关豪门艳女帕丽斯。希尔顿的相关新闻报道:
- Five-year-old Lotte Pickard loves her pink fishnet stockings her strappy sandals, which she says, are sexy."I like to look sexy," the little girl explains. 5岁的洛特-皮卡德很为自己那粉色的网眼袜和系带小凉鞋得意,小姑娘觉得这些东西很性感,而且喜欢自己看上去性感。
- Gale said she appeared during dinner wearing a heavy corset, black fishnet stockings and at least a dozen balloons, which she invited delegates to pop as she danced. 吉尔说,当时她穿着紧身胸衣、鱼网丝袜,绑着十几个气球出现在餐会上,并在舞蹈中邀请与会代表戳破她身上的气球。
- I ventured inside the Casino Victoria on Lauteri Street, a lavish red-carpeted palace of a place with Monaco-style baccarat dealers in tuxedos and Vegas-style waitresses in sequined minis and fishnet stockings. 我冒险进入了劳特里大街的维多利亚娱乐场,这是一个奢侈豪华的宫殿,里面有穿着摩纳哥风格夜礼服的巴拉加纸牌游戏发牌者,还有穿着拉斯维加斯风格,有亮片装饰的迷你裙和渔网长袜的服务生。
- He paced the room in his stocking feet. 他穿着袜子在房间走动。
- The boy is one meter tall in his stocking feet. 这个小男孩不穿鞋的身高是一米。
- A pair of fishnet stockings that belonged to the blond bombshell who would have turned 79 last week sold online for 2,750 dollars, while a cashmere cardigan sold for 2,000 dollars. 如果仍旧在世的话,这位金发碧眼的性感美女上周刚满79岁。她穿过的一双网眼丝袜现场拍卖价格达到2,750美元,另外一件羊绒开衫价格为2,000美元。
- His big toe was poking through his stocking. 他的大脚趾从袜子伸了出来。
- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位药商进了一大批药品。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。