- fissure and conduit media 裂隙-管道介质
- Sorts of diseases were mainly confined to perianal abscess, anal fistula, anal fissure and mixed hemorrhoid etc. 主要病种为肛周脓肿、肛瘘、肛裂、混合痔;
- Conclusion To correct the microstomia by the elongation of the oral fissure and the transfer o... 结论:采用口角开大术及应用红唇粘膜组织瓣转移术矫正小口畸形,可形成接近正常解剖形态的圆弧形口角。
- Installed indoors, in tunnel, ditch and conduit as well as in lose soil, unable to bear external mechanical forces, but can bear the traction force during cable installation. 适用于室内.;隧道、电缆沟及管道中;也可埋在松散的土壤中;不能承受外部机械作用力;但可承受一定的敷设牵引。
- Bark gray or dark brown, shallowly longitudinally fissured and flaky. 暗褐色的树皮灰色或,和片状的纵向裂开的浅。
- The carriage of our country has 5 kinds of main kind, namely railroad is carried, highway transportation, waterage, aviation is carried and conduit is carried. 我国的运输有五种主要方式,即铁路运输、公路运输、水路运输、航空运输和管道运输。
- In using the algorithm, we first identify the presence of subpleural nodules in relation the the major fissure and peripheral pleural surfaces. 按上文的方法,我们首先可以辨认出胸膜下结节,包括肺裂及外周胸膜表面。
- This patient shows a perilymphatic pattern. Subpleural nodules are isible in relation to the major fissure and peripheral pleural surfaces. 本例为淋巴管周围型结节,肺裂及外周胸膜可见多发胸膜下结节。
- Methods:The relationship of outside marks and inner demarcation between left interlobar fissure and intersegmental fissure of left lateral lobe. 方法:在30例成人尸肝上观察肝左叶间裂和左外叶段间裂外部分界和铸型后真正的内部分界之间的关系。
- This patient shows a perilymphatic pattern. Subpleural nodules are visible in relation to the major fissure and peripheral pleural surfaces. 本例为淋巴管周围型结节,肺裂及外周胸膜可见多发胸膜下结节。
- The Ordovician reservoir may not be distributed as a whole-block, but distributed as different-sized fissure and cave units in overlapped spaces. 奥陶系油藏可能不是整体连片分布,而是不同规模缝洞单元的空间叠合分布。
- From haven production is managed will actually look, waterage, highway transportation, railroad is carried and conduit is carried is a few haven goods market is scattered kinds of main way. 从港口生产经营实际来看,水路运输、公路运输、铁路运输和管道运输是港口货物集疏散的几种主要方式。
- Multiple small lung nodules haing a perilymphatic distribution are isible along the ascular bundles, the fissure and the peripheral pleura. 胸部淋巴结肿大的典型部位是双侧肺门淋巴结伴右侧或双侧气管旁淋巴结结大,密度均匀。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- Methods The subcutaneous part of the external sphincter in the fissure and the internal sphincter under the dentate line were incised under direct vision in 250 patients. 方法对250例陈旧性肛裂患者采用裂口内直视下切断外括约肌皮下部和齿状线下部分内括约肌并修剪、切除病变组织。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。
- Small and large lung nodules are isible. This patient shows a perilymphatic pattern. Subpleural nodules are isible in relation to the left major fissure and the lung periphery. 此例可见多发大小不一的结节,沿淋巴管分布。左侧的肺外带及肺裂下可见胸膜下结节。
- I'll try and rustle you up something to eat. 我设法给你弄点吃的。