- fistular onion fibrous root 葱须
- Fibrous root systems are characteristic of monocotyledons. 须根系是单子叶植物的特征。
- Conclusion: composition in Rhizoma is almost the same as Fibrous Root. 结论:根茎与须根成分基本相同。
- Taproot bearing numerous dark brown fibrous roots. 承担多数的直根暗褐色的须根。
- Taproot slender, bearing fibrous roots. 直根纤细,承担须根。
- Objective:To analysis the composition in Polygonatum Cyrtonema Hua at Rhizoma and Fibrous Root. 目的:黄精根茎与须根相关成分分析。
- Stem erect, basally pink, slender, simple, with few fibrous roots. 茎直立,粉红色,纤细,单的基生,具很少须根。
- Conclusion:I t is valuable to extract the polysaccharide from the discarded fibrous root of R adix Panacis Quingueforlii. 结论:在西洋参参须废渣中提取西洋参多糖具有较大开发利用价值。
- The content of anthoxanthin: fibrous root>pulp>root tuber>leaf>stem>rhizome>tendril>kernel, the content of saponin: leaf>stem>tendril>root tuber>rhizome>fibrous root. 有效成分含量大小顺序为,黄酮类化合物:须根>果肉>块根>叶>茎>根茎>茎卷须>果核;甾体皂苷类化合物:叶>茎>茎卷须>块根>根茎>须根。
- The medicinal value and developable value of the fibrous root of Ophiopogon japonicus were studied according to the content of polysaccharides and flavonoids. 从多糖和黄酮类成分含量研究麦冬须根的药用及开发利用价值。
- Because need fibrous root is occupied,recommend likely wireless frequency range, RDC will be used " frequency is sealed law " the RFID solution with new research and development. 因为必需按照每个应用的具体需求评估并保举合适的无线频率规模,RDC将采用“频率未知法“研发新的RFID解决方案。
- Stem prostrate or procumbent, with few fibrous roots at nodes, many branched. 茎匍匐或平卧,具很少须根在节上,多分枝。
- Keywords Fistular onion bulb;Steroidal saponin;Vanillin chromatometry; 葱白;甾体皂苷;香草醛比色法;
- Shallow root system, developed fibrous roots, was born in appropriate deep fertile soil of neutral or Micro. 根系浅,须根发达,适生于深厚肥沃的中性或微酸性土壤。
- The results are showed as follwings: 1) In American ginseng, autotoxin activity is high chemically in the stems, leaves, fibrous roots and hydrophobic root exudates. 结果表明:西洋参茎叶、须根和根系分泌物中存在活性较高的自毒物质。
- They are closely related to the growing environment regarding to the rhizome with remnant stem scars, adventitious roots, taproot shrink wrinkles, and fibrous roots. 人参的根茎及残茎痕、不定根、主根的收缩纹和须根分布形态等与环境和生长年限的关系尤为密切,但各种性状之间存在着变异的规律性和相关性。
- It's time to get the onion bulbs in. 现在是种洋葱头的时候了。
- Notoginseng for Araliaceae Panax plants, roots thick fleshy, fibrous roots majority, skin yellow-green or yellow-brown. 三七,为五加科人参属植物,根茎粗壮肉质,须根多数,外皮黄绿色或黄棕色。
- I don't like the flavor of onion. 我不喜欢洋葱的味道。