- A new formulation of MOND, consistent with relativity, has rekindled interest in the idea, although it may not fit the pattern of spots in the cosmic microwave background. 新的MOND的公式化表达可以不与相对论相矛盾,从而引起了人们对修正的牛顿动力学MOND的兴趣,尽管它可能还不符合宇宙微波背景的斑点模式。
- The chameleon's skin replicates the pattern of its surroundings. 变色龙的皮肤可随环境改变颜色。
- fit the pattern of an al Qaeda attack 带有基地组织袭击的特点
- Do you like the pattern of the clothes? 衣服的图案你喜欢吗?
- No one immediately claimed responsibility for the deadly attack but it fits the pattern of recent attacks by the Taliban. 没有人立即声称对此血腥的袭击事件负责,但这与塔利班最近的一起袭击事件形似。
- Even the McCain family, with its tradition of distinguished military service, fits the pattern of an absent father and an overinvolved mother who fills the gap, Mr.Wead says.Sen. 韦德说,即使是有着显赫将门背景的麦凯恩家庭也遵循这个模式:父亲长期不在家,强势的母亲既当妈又当爸。
- On the Pattern of the Evolution of Ea. 论中国早期国家的演进模式。
- Rhythm is the pattern of the notes. 节奏是音符的结合形式。
- The wholesystem uses the pattern of DDC. 系统的控制方案采用直接数字控制(Direct Digital Control,简称DDC)。
- The outcome of clustering analysis basically fitted the patterns of zoogeographic division of China, except the region of North China, Gansu, Anhwei, Henan, and Yunnan provinces. 蜱类在中国分布的聚类分析结果与中国的动物地理区划基本一致,但华北区及甘肃、安徽、河南、云南与中国大陆动物区系差异较大。
- What determines the pattern of production & trade? 什么决定了生产和贸易的形式?
- All the apprentices rushed to help fit the piston. 徒工们都跑过来帮助装活塞。
- The first few books can be taken as the pattern of the whole work. 前几部书可看做是整部著作的模式。
- The second edition follows closely the pattern of the first. 再版严格遵照初版样式。
- The pattern of separated substances obtained by chromatography. 色谱采用层析法获得的物质分离图案
- Before beginning any tailoring projects, which is wise to tissue fit the pattern or make muslin to guarantee an accurate fit. 为了保证衣服完成后绝对合身,正式缝制前,最好用细布做样衣并试穿。
- If you're very hungry a double helping of spaghetti should fit the bill! 要是很饿的话,吃两份意大利细面条就行了!
- Third, the pattern of listed company capital operation. 再次,对我国上市公司资本运营的现有模式进行了归纳总结;
- He did not quite know what to say that would fit the circumstances. 在这种场合,他不太知道说什么才合适。
- The pattern of flow streamlines is same to Archimedes lines. 涡流管内三维流线形态类似阿基米德曲线。