- five thousand and forty three (=5043) 五千零四十三
- five thousand eight hundred and forty three (=5843) 五千八百四十三
- five thousand five hundred and forty three (=5543) 五千五百四十三
- five thousand four hundred and forty three (=5443) 五千四百四十三
- five thousand nine hundred and forty three (=5943) 五千九百四十三
- five thousand one hundred and forty three (=5143) 五千一百四十三
- five thousand seven hundred and forty three (=5743) 五千七百四十三
- five thousand six hundred and forty three (=5643) 五千六百四十三
- five thousand three hundred and forty three (=5343) 五千三百四十三
- five thousand two hundred and forty three (=5243) 五千二百四十三
- And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were forty and five thousand and six hundred and fifty. 凡属流便营,按着军队被数的,共有十五万一千四百五十名,要作第二队往前行。
- eight thousand and forty three (=8043) 八千零四十三
- four thousand and forty three (=4043) 四千零四十三
- These are the families of Naphtali according to their families: and they that were numbered of them were forty and five thousand and four hundred. 按着家族,这就是拿弗他利的各族。他们中间被数的,共有四万五千四百名。
- five thousand and forty (=5040) 五千零四十
- nine thousand and forty three (=9043) 九千零四十三
- one thousand and forty three (=1043) 一千零四十三
- five thousand and forty eight (=5048) 五千零四十八
- five thousand and forty five (=5045) 五千零四十五
- seven thousand and forty three (=7043) 七千零四十三