- The tables are firmly fixed to the floor. 桌子都牢牢地固定在地板上。
- The government has fixed a wage floor. 政府已规定了工资的底限。
- Don't scrape your feet on the floor. 别用脚蹭著地板。
- The man jacked up his car to fix a flat tire. 那人用千斤顶把他的汽车顶起以修理漏气的轮胎。
- I bought a run-down farm house and plan to fix it up. 我买了一间破败的农舍,打算整修整修。
- The book hit the floor with a thud. 这书砰的一声落在地板上。
- We needed someone to fix the tape recorder. 我们需要有人来修理录音机。
- He canted over from his chair onto the floor. 他从椅子上跌倒在地板上。
- I can fix up you with a used car. 我可以为你提拱一辆旧车。
- He fell on the floor with an awful whomp. 他摔在地板上发出一声可怕的撞击声。
- I tried to fix the date in my mind. 我试着把那个日期牢记在心。
- He wiped up the spilt milk on the wooden floor. 他揩掉了泼在地板上的牛奶。
- He promised to fix me up with a nice girl. 他答应为我介绍一位妙龄女郎。
- Their clothes lay in a huddle on the floor. 他们的衣服杂乱地堆在地板上。
- He spread the map flat out on the floor. 他把地图平铺在地上。
- The neighbourhood pusher got Joe a fix. 邻里的不法商贩给乔打了一针毒品。
- We put the books in piles on the floor. 我们把书在地板上堆起来。
- He loses his footing on the wet floor and fall. 他在潮湿的地板上失去平衡而摔倒了。
- It's because I do not like to fix work hour. 这是因为我不喜欢固定的工作时间。
- The fence posts were fixed firmly in the ground. 栅栏的立柱牢牢地固定在地上。