- fixed installment method 定额分期付款法, 定额摊还法
- fixed instalment method 分期定额法
- Equipment may also be part of a fixed installation. 设备也可以是固定机组的一部分。
- Adopts car bottom non-touch installation method. 传感器采用非接触轿底安装方式。
- In this paper, the author dicusses property of glass fibre bar,installment method of gridding,construction principle and effect observation example of asphaltum road surface. 讨论了玻璃纤维格栅的性质、网格的安设方法、加筋沥青路面的施工原则及效果观测实例。
- It discussed the method to design,manufacture and use fixed installation protruding hob to process milling front cylindrical gear of excavating coal machine. 论述了设计、制造和使用固定安装突起滚刀加工采煤机磨前圆柱齿轮的方法。
- This paper introduced a new kind of installation method of modules called floatover,which do not need heavy float crane,but with three steps:First fix the modules on the barge. 此种安装方式将安装的组块固定在驳船上,运输组块的驳船进入导管架,系泊稳定就位后通过驳船的升降设施将组块荷载转移到钢桩即可。
- For laying indoors, in trenches, in ducts and down well, able tobear heavier pulling force, andfor fixed installation. 敷设在室内、电缆沟、管道、竖井等能承受较大机械拉力等固定场合。
- depreciation-fixed installment method 分期定额折旧法
- For laying indoors, in trenchesin ducts and in ground, able tobear heavier pulling force, andfor fixed installation. 敷设在室内、电缆沟、管道、直埋等能承受较大机械外力等固定场合。
- For laying indoors, in trenches,in ducts and down well, able tobear heavier pulling force, andfor fixed installation. 敷设在室内、电缆沟、管道、竖井等能承受较大机械拉力等固定场合。
- Install method: Remove the sensor plug of the original accelerograph pedal, then insert the electric throttle of EGAS. 安装方法:拔下原来的油门踏板传感器插头;将电子油门超感器插上即可.
- The tables are firmly fixed to the floor. 桌子都牢牢地固定在地板上。
- When using fixed installations for melting bitumen at construction sites in cities and towns, these fixtures should be of the sealed type. 城镇建筑施工熔化沥青使用固定熔化装置时,应时采用密闭方式。
- Best practice installation methods may prevent many problems. 最佳做法安装方法可能导致许多问题。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- The utility automatically calls the Install method during the installation process. 该实用工具在安装进程中会自动调用。
- The product is suitable for use in power distribution networks or fixed installations for industrial equipments with rated voltage up to and including35 KV. 本产品适用于额定电压35kv及以下配电网或工业装置中固定敷设之用。
- The Install method calls the Install method of each installer contained in the Installers property of this instance. Install方法调用每个安装程序的Install方法,这些安装程序包含在此实例的Installers属性中。
- Eligibility criteria are pro-poor, i. E. Funds cannot finance individual acquisitions (including productive means), and fixed installations have to be collectively-owned. 补助金发放标准有利于穷人,即,不能为个人购买(包括购买生产资料)提供资金,固定设施必须集体所有。