- Commandeer land country is a regulation, stipulate by land commandeer fixed number of year is no problem. 征用土地国家是规定的,按土地征用规定年限就没问题。
- Fixed number of year for transfer and sublease: 28 years from 2005 to April 2, 2033 (The exact time depends on the contract. 二、租转让年限:2005年至2033年4月2日计28年(准确时间以签订合同为准)。
- And cast-iron crock glossiness is good, use fixed number of year is the longest in 3 kinds of crocks. 而且铸铁缸光泽度好,使用年限是三种缸中最长的。
- The investors who obtain the right to use the land in the form of remising, renting can demise, sublease, pledge to other people legally during the fixed number of year. 以出让、租赁方式取得土地使用权的,在土地出让、租赁年限内可以依法转让、转租、抵押。
- If again unemployed, but add does an individual freewill pay cost, fixed number of year of around pay expenses is amalgamative computation. 若再次失业,可续办个人自愿缴费,前后缴费年限合并计算。
- Accordingly, the length of military service in army enlistment should calculate veteran to expend fixed number of year with capture to inspect. 据此,退伍军人在部队服役期间的军龄应计算为视同缴费年限。
- Specific amortize fixed number of year, by the province (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) revenue decides according to local actual condition. 具体摊销年限,由省(自治区、直辖市)税务局根据当地实际情况确定。
- Distribution power cable section is choosed economically by means of refund fixed number of year reclaim based on concrete project in order to choose perfect cable section. 结合具体工程项目,重点分析如何依据经济条件,采用偿还年限回收方法对配电电缆截面进行经济性选择,以便选出理想截面。
- Want to check the worker's capture expends the fundamental data such as record and fixed number of year of individual pay expenses seriously, normative continue program. 要认真核对职工的缴费记录和个人缴费年限等基础数据,规范接续程序。
- No matter any circumstances, the entirely of one-time imprest gold of place pay is not returned, can be in only ginseng when protecting a person to reach emeritus age, 2 years capture of medical treatment insurance expends instead fixed number of year. 不论任何情况,所缴纳的一次性预付金一概不退还,只能在参保人达到退休年龄时,抵作2年医疗保险缴费年限。
- Individual capture expends accumulative total of fixed number of year to resent 15 years, fundamental annuities treatment is not enjoyed after retiring, its individual account stores pay oneself. 个人缴获费年限累计不满15年的,退休后不享受基础养老金待遇,其个人帐户储存一次支付给本人。
- "The cycle when adolescence is irregular " , in Fu age (the fixed number of year of menstruate) when 1.1 years old, general not oviposit, but the follicular growth that can have fixed rate. “青春期时周期不规则”,在妇龄(有月经的年限)1.;1岁时,一般不排卵,但可有一定程度的卵泡发育。
- Her father kept a grocer's shop for a number of years. 她父亲开了几年杂货店。
- About commissariat and the fixed number of year with accessorial cash, total principle is to need how many years to fill how many years, cannot make farmer interest gets absolutely loss. 粮食和现金的补助年限到底有多长? 关于粮食和现金补助的年限,总的原则是需要多少年就补多少年,绝不能使农民利益受到损失。
- Considers the multi-objective of material fixed number of years, the spillage of material and the material cost, that material best arrangement combination solution or approximate best solution. 考虑材料年限、材料损耗及材料成本的多目标下,材料的最佳排列组合解或是近似最佳解。
- Capture expends fixed number of year to press month of computation when account individual account; Calculating year of computation is pressed when basic annuities, be not worth part of a year, the reservation when conversion arrives decimally hind two. 缴费年限在记载个人帐户时按月计算;在计算基本养老金时按年计算,不足一年的部分,换算时保留到小数点后两位。
- If you have corresponding money to meet diploma of kind of record of formal schooling, have the working experience of particular fixed number of year, also need not pass an exam, to place accounting government office applies for to handle accountant card. 假如你有相应的财会类学历文凭,有一定年限的工作经历,也可以不经过考试,到当地会计治理机关申请办理会计证。
- The staff that orgnaization of social insurance agency joins unemployed insurance for every is built ginseng keep record, the record enters the working fixed number of year that keeps a person and pay cost record. 社会保险经办机构为每个参加失业保险的人员建立参保档案,记录参保人的工作年限和缴费记录。
- Accordingly, proposal everybody, must check before abdication oneself ginseng keeps a data, include: The standard that the full name, Id date, danger that play is planted and capture expends and fixed number of year. 因此,建议各位,在辞职前必须核对自己的参保资料,包括:姓名、身份证号、参加的险种和缴费的标准和年限。
- Additional, when computational deformity assistor has cost, consider the use fixed number of year of deformity appliance, maintenance newlier perhaps inside even, so that calculate the cost that update or maintains deformity appliance inside. 另外,计算残疾辅助器具费用时,还要把残疾用具的使用年限、维修或者更新考虑在内,以便把更新或者维修残疾用具的费用计算在内。