- The Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) and soil bacteria such as Azotobacter, which carry out BNF without plant involvement, are examples of free-living nitrogen fixing organisms. 兰细菌(兰绿藻类)和土壤细菌如固氮菌都是自生固氮微生物的代表,它们可以在没有植物介入下进行生物固氮。
- The sampling station were almost entirely consisting of blue green algae especially microaystis ,it had higher fre... 与过去同期太湖浮游植物的调查资料对比表明人为富营养化进程有所减缓。
- The result showed that I2 was characterized to be Sphingomonas and its algae-lysing effect on Blue green Algae (Cyanobacteria) was remarkable when it was in liquid. 结果表明,I2属于鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas sp.;),它对蓝藻门的微囊藻有较好的液体溶藻效果。
- The blue green algae incident in Taihu Lake (located in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province) proved that the CCP does not care if there is water to drink tomorrow, as long as there is GDP today. 经济奇迹正转变成普遍的、现实的灾难,太湖蓝藻事件表明,为了今天的GDP政绩即便明天没有水喝也在所不惜。
- Blue green alga 蓝藻
- Blue algae,green algae and diatom are dominant algaes in the Dian chi lake . 蓝藻、绿藻和硅藻是滇池的优势藻种。
- An autotrophic, unicellular, green alga presents the minimum of specialization. 一个自养的单细胞绿藻表现最小程度的特化。
- Unicellular green alga chlorella is kind of important eukaryotic microalga. 摘要单细胞真核藻类-小球藻是一种重要的微藻资源。
- Using Fishy Organisms to Control Blue Green Algae in Raw Water for Drinking Water Supply 用鱼养水生物控制饮用水源蓝藻暴发
- Red globose alga is actually a kind of green alga, which can be used as feedstuff. 红球藻实际上是一种绿藻, 它可以用来做饲料。
- Isolation and Effects on Green Alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa of Algal-Inhibiting Allelochemicals in the Macrophyte, Phragmites communis Tris. 芦苇抑藻化感物质的分离及其抑制蛋白核小球藻效果研究。
- blue green algae 蓝藻,蓝绿藻类,兰藻
- This paper introduces a technology and a point of a bar piece green alga food by usinng monostroma and as material entermor pha. 叙述以礁膜、浒苔为原料试制条片状方便食品的工艺及要点。经过除腥、护色、调味、成型、喷油等工序后,制得的产品为墨绿色、条片状、口感香脆、无腥味、耐久藏。
- Using BBO crystal to double the frequency, the blue green laser output at 450.8 nm is gained. 经BBO晶体倍频获得了 45 0 8nm的蓝绿激光输出。
- Unicellular green alga, Dunaliella salina (D.salina), is a biflagellar alga without cell wall, which is a kind of very important eukaryotic microalga. 杜氏盐藻是一种无细胞壁的单细胞双鞭毛真核藻类,是一种十分重要的藻类资源。
- Dark green,light green,yellow green and blue green all embellish the lotus pool with life. 深绿、浅绿、黄绿、翠绿,将荷花池缀得生气盎然.
- Blue green algae virus 蓝细菌病毒, 蓝绿藻病毒
- With the development of economy in the Yangtze River Delta district,eutrophication which brings about the bloom of green alga,hyacinth and so on,has become more and more serious. 随着经济的发展,长江三角洲地区的富营养化,如蓝藻、水葫芦爆发等问题日趋严重,给该区的可持续发展带来了严重的后果。
- In 2004, a new pocket of Brazilian Alexandrite was discovered, yielding blue green Alexandrite that changed to a delightful raspberry red. 2004年人们发现了一处巴西亚历山大石新矿坑,出产的亚历山大石呈蓝绿色,透着沁人心脾的木莓红色。
- Wax gourd surface color is blue green, you look closely, there will be a thin layer of cream above, as approved in a white gauze. 冬瓜表面的颜色是青绿色的,仔细一看,上面会有一层薄薄的霜,像批了一件白纱。