- flagellated zoospore 具有鞭毛的激动孢子
- The religious fanatics flagellated themselves. 狂热的宗教信仰者鞭打自己。
- Zoospore An asexual motile spore produced by a zoosporangium. 游动孢子:由游动孢子囊产生的无性可自由运动的孢子。
- A flagellated protist that ingests food and lacks chlorophyll. 动鞭亚纲原生生物一种有鞭毛的原生生物,它摄取食物并缺乏叶绿素
- A motile, flagellated asexual spore, as of certain algae and fungi. 游动孢子可游动的、有鞭毛的无性孢子,如某些海藻和真菌中
- There was no correlation between zoospore and sporangium yeild in different medium. 游动孢子的浓度与孢子囊的浓度没有正相关性。
- A basal body in certain flagellated protozoans that consists of a minute mass of chromatin embedded in the cytoplasm at the base of the flagellum. 生毛体,成鞭毛体某些有鞭毛的原生动物的基体,由包裹在鞭毛底部的细胞质内的微小染色体块团组成
- Oomycetes and chytrids (sometimes called water molds) produce motile flagellated spores in sporangia. 卵菌纲和壶菌在孢子囊中产生能动的带鞭毛的孢子。
- A fatal disease of fresh-water fish caused by a flagellated protozoan invading the skin. 淡水鱼出现的一种致命疾
- One of a layer of flagellated cells lining the body cavity of a sponge and characterized by a collar of cytoplasm surrounding the flagellum. 领细胞沿着海绵的体腔排列的一层鞭毛形细胞中的一个,以鞭毛周围有衣领一样的一圈细胞质为特征
- Legionellae are aerobic, non-spore forming, rod-shaped, typically flagellated, gram-negative bacteria. 军团菌群是一种好氧的、非孢子繁殖的、杆状的、一般带有绒毛的格兰氏阴性菌。
- Certain motile flagellated bacteria can rapidly spread over the slightly moist surface. 有些活动的有鞭毛的细菌在稍微潮湿的表面上扩张得很快。
- A basal body in certain flagellated protozoans that consists of a minute mass.of chromatin embedded in the cytoplasm at the base of the flagellum. 生毛体,成鞭毛体某些有鞭毛的原生动物的基体,由包裹在鞭毛底部的细胞质内的微小染色体块团组成
- It also means treating bankrupts relatively leniently, not as sinners to be flagellated but rather as unfortunates who should be given a second chance. 这表明美国人对待公司破产相对宽容,把他们看做可以再给一次机会的不走运的家伙而不是应该受到惩罚的邪恶化身。
- PROCESSION IN KABUL: Afghan Shi'ite Muslims flagellated themselves with chains during an Ashura procession in Kabul Thursday. 游行在喀布尔:阿富汗什叶派穆斯林鞭毛与在喀布尔期间阿舒拉节游行星期四链中。
- A. Trichomoniasis the third most common cause of vaginitis is caused by the flagellated protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. The disorder is virtually always sexually transmitted. 滴虫是阴道炎的第三大主因。滴虫阴道炎常因有鞭毛的原生物引起,经性交直接传播。
- Several types of cells including polygonal, round granular, deltaic fan-shaped and flagellated cells were found, of which polygonal cells were dominant. 在透射电镜下日本血吸虫成虫培养细胞呈多角形、圆颗粒形、三角扇形和鞭毛形等多种形状,其中以多角形为主。
- First generation single zoospore 子1代单游动孢株群体
- Any of various flagellated,usually nonpathogenic protozoa of the genus Giardia that may be parasitic in the intestines of vertebrates including human beings and most domestic animals. 贾第鞭毛虫属一种鞭毛形通常是无致病原因的原生动物属贾第虫属,可能寄生在脊椎动物体内(包括人和大部分家禽)。
- Any of various gram-negative,rod-shaped,mostly aerobic flagellated bacteria of the phylum Pseudomonad,commonly found in soil,water,and decaying matter and including some plant and animal pathogens. 假单胞菌任一种革兰氏阳性杆状的假单菌门雷氧鞭毛虫细菌,一般见于土壤、水、腐败物,还有一些植物和动物的病原体中。